
I have been asked along streams if I post here. When this occurs in Harrisburg, I say "Yes, my screenname is Paul G or (sometimes) Maurice." When this occurs in southwest PA, I say "Yes, I am TomGamber." If I am ever on a small brookie stream and hear rustling in the bushes I always call out interrogatively: "salvelinusfontinalis?"

But seriously, I have asked people whether they post here, but I honestly can't recall ever meeting someone I knew. I think I usually get something like "I read it occasionally, but don't post."
Never met someone from the site out on the stream. I've met people that say they've read and encouraged them to post. Then again, I don't ask.
I usually don't ask because I don't see that many people while fishing and if I do I'll ask the usual, "Catch any?" or "Any luck?", pause for a response, then move on. I did have someone else ask me though. I believe his name is John but could not tell you his screen name at the moment.