... wowthats big whatzitkalld



Jul 23, 2007
This past Labor Day i was fishing the East branch of the Brandy wine and ran into some fly fisherman . I was throwing Chernobal Ants and the Smallies and Trout were helping me shed some unwanted ounces. I waited as they worked their way upstream fishing pocket water and when we met after introductions ,they asked, " wowthatsbig wazitkalld" If you know me, you know i like these kind of situations and i replied " its a very very special fly that is being fished by a very very select few unknown but wordly fly fisherman, would you like one??" I gave them two each in an orange and green combo and felt better about myself. They both swore they would report to www. secrectflyfishingreport.org. everytime they fished this fly. I can imagine the storys that will come from this, sorry, i couldn't help myself. Fishing is what you make of it , some days are uneventfull and others are .. well... special. :lol:
Now that's funny. :lol:
Reminds me of a time I was crow hunting. My brother and I used to do a lot of bird hunting and as a tune up we used to go to the local Game Lands and call in a few crows. One day after we fired of a salvo at a flock of crows a fellow who was hiking by asked what we were shooting at. We said crows. He asked why. We said that we were having a big barbeque that weekend. His eyes rolled and his face turned green as he high tailed it to the parking lot.
One version of The Joy of Cooking has a small section on preparing crows (really). I think it begins "When, on occasion, it becomes necessary to eat crow..."
Good story, and very cool that you gave them some flies. :cool:
FINALLY!! Someone ELSE, that gets "more fun out of fly fishing, than "just the fishing"!! GREAT story, too!!
Now, "being of the type" surely some of us are, besides just brookieaddict and myself............. I, also, love doing such things on odd occasions. Except, my affliction has more to do with the "rude and un=sportsman", fishers always found amongst us.
When someone comes "splashing into my pool", I'm either resting or fishing" and acts like "We've been bestest buds for 20 years" they'll invariably ask me.......... SO! What's ya' using? I saw, from down below, that you've hooked a quite a few!?!"
Or, when those arrive stream side that move right along side me when the area I'm in is barely big enough to roll cast in..................... and THEN start up the "whatyausin" conversation"..................
Well, in one special little pocket of my vest.........is a special little plastic 4 compartment fly box. AND IN, this fly box are my; very secretive...... "Oh! I'm using one of THESE", flies that I then offer so kindly to the offending jerks!!
Of course, my true fly is kept from site, usually in the stream as we talk and I give away my "secret killer fly".
I truly don't KNOW.......... if it's the facial expressions, these guys give me, when I hand them this fly, OR the fact I love thinking about "how they're going to waste the next hour or more, actually FISHING with my hand out fly, because they HAD seen me hook and land fish with it, after all, right!??
Well, "The Fly for Jerks", is very easily tied, if you'd like to give them a try.................... tie up a bunch of your favorite patterns. Then, when done tying........ take a #12 hook, like a Limerick, etc. cover it with head cement, then with tweezers.......... stab it down, into your wastrol basket of tying debris!! Allow the fly to dry, then place into a fly box and WAIT for the next, offending, jerk to come along and mess up tour fishing!?!! :-D
Very cool . . . You should try to convince them that green weenies are radioactive.