Woven stoneflies



Active member
Sep 20, 2006
Doylestown Pa.
Here are a couple of woven body stoneflies I have been working on
Not as nice as sandflys ,but then again he has been at it longer than me !!!!!!!lol


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Very Nice
Those are some great looking stones Beadhead!
see ya copyin lou again...look great..
Glass beads in the body, or am I mis-seeing?
Those look great beadhead , i think i can remember how to do that weave , it's been awhile , they do work though i just don't nymph as much as i used to. NICE!!!!
My kids 5th grade science teacher loves woven bodied flies. Google George Grant. He died not that long ago but is considered the father of woven bodied flies. The teacher knew him when he lived in MT and talk about him all the time. I think they are neat but won;t spend the time. Nice job though.
Thanks guys
That is thin skin not a bead
Here is where I learned it from ,just put my own twist to it
Here are a few more I have been working on


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I like the Black and red one the best.

The only weave I know, this guy sits on my desk at work because it was the first one I did in a class, and I like it.

He's got a 4/0 Royal Wulff for a pal, too. I should try fishing that someday, trout would think they've died and gone to mayfly heaven.

Its a bad picture because, well, I'm sitting at work.
Nice gfen
That will fish good !!!!
loum taught me how to weave
Use your imagination ,you can can come up with some neat patterns
Jerry, what the hell you gonna do with a beadhead woven nymph? You know how much Frogs Fannie you will need to get that to float?
In a serious question though, do you guys ever tie stoneflies on scud hooks? This would make sense to me given the stoneflies body curling into a ball to get them back down to the stream bottom, where they can cling and use their gills? Trout are eating loose stoneflies that would be inclined to be in this balled up position as they float down stream seeking to get back to the bottom. Or do we assume that trout are feeding on stoneflies in their preferred habitat of fast moving highly oxygenated water, thus they don't get a close enough look? If that's the case, then why the hell am I sitting at my vise trying to figure out this weaving thing?
I tye just abiut any kinda of nymph on a Dia Riki 135 scud. It's a great hook.
jdaddy wrote:
Jerry, what the hell you gonna do with a beadhead woven nymph? You know how much Frogs Fannie you will need to get that to float?

Duh, why do you think there's a 4/0 Wulff above it.. its my goto hopper/dropper pattern.

I learned to tie them in a class, and I liked doing it. It looks good, it just takes me a lifetime to go through the machinations.
I use a dia riki 3x long natural nymph bend for my stonefly nymphs.
Jdaddy: I don't tie a whole lot myself, yet, but I tie a few simple stonefly patterns an larger curved hooks. Basically just some dubbing and a bunch of rubber legs. They seems to work alright in really fast deep water, probably because the fish can't really see how ugly the fly is.
For small immature stones I tie this;


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