Worst (or funniest) Fall-in situation

Early this spring my brother and I were fishing in Meadow run, at the big hole above the cascades he slipped and went in over his chest waders, of course I had to tease him a bit! One week later I was crossing at the same spot when I slipped and went completely under. I regained my footing took two steps and went completely under again. Dang those rocks are slick.
2 years ago fishing in Montana on the Bitterroot which is a really fast good sized but very cold stream I was in the back of the guide's raft on the seat attached to the raft frame. It hung over the back tube of the raft. While zooming down a fast run I attempted a cast and for some reason I was looking at my Lamson reel and the spool just popped out for no apparent reason. It fell straight down and bounced off the anchor and came back up in the air. I made a lunge for it with my left hand and the momentum of my body launched me out of the raft and I did a back dive into the stream. I wasn't hurt and my glasses stayed on my head but when I tried to stand up the fast thigh deep current knocked me down a couple times. Thank God I wasn't wearing waders. I finally dug my heels into the bottom and launched myself backwards a couple times toward shore where the current was slower and I was able to stand. I was holding my rod but the spool was somewhere downstream. By then the guide had run back to me and fished the spool out of the stream and got me into some dry clothes. I rode the front seat the rest of the trip.
Years back, after a good outing on the Little Pine, my buddy and I gleefully retreated back to the truck. This new trail back led us to a side channel with what looked to be about two feet of standing water. On the opposite side of the channel stood a young lady with her toddler hitched to a backpack carrier waiting for us to cross.

Still feeling giddy, I went first, jumped right in from the high bank and found myself in about four feet of muck. Young lady screamed, kid screamed, my embarrassed buddy went around me as fast as he could and I just stood there stuck in the muck😆.
If that's the side-channel just above the gun range, it's good for some small wild browns - when it flows all the way through to the main creek. Sometimes, it's too deep to take a chance.
If that's the side-channel just above the gun range, it's good for some small wild browns - when it flows all the way through to the main creek. Sometimes, it's too deep to take a chance.
Yes. That's the spot!
I saw a guy fall in at Kettle creek. Went in over his head and popped back up with his cigar still in his mouth.
Many times. Luckily I don’t recall falling in freezing waters.

Nothing makes you look more like an idiot than the dancing jig followed by falling in.
My last fall was on the upper game land pool of the WB this past spring - in water that was only knee high
A place that is quite easy to wade.
As usual, I was watching a riser to get it pinpointed, and trying to get there a little faster than I should have.
And I stepped on a rather small rock, that rolled just as I got my full weight on it.

Several years ago, I fell in at the quarry on the little j - one of the easiest wading spots anywhere.
There was a submerged pipe just out from the shoreline, that I knew was there.
But the water was a little cloudy that day, concealing it.
And caught it the wrong way just as I was getting out of the water.

The cottage area of spring creek - another spot that's is very easy to wade.
However, there are several spots that have a lot of odd concrete cylinders.
They're about a foot long, and maybe 6 inches in diameter.
Hard to get a good grip on, and they roll very easily - as I found out one day

Funny how we tend to let our guard down in the places that are "easy" to wade.
You tend to stroll along rather quickly. Then an odd large rock pops up, catching you by surprise.

In the hard wading areas, I'm usually more cautious, and use a wading staff now.
No slips in the several trips to the Youghiogheny this year, which can be very difficult.

I think it was mentioned before, but big flat, smooth rocks should be avoided.
Once you start sliding on those, there are no breaks to regain your footing
I've always had a knack for not getting hurt during a fall. The only explanation I have for this is that I have had a lot of practice.

Funniest fall in while fishing. That had to be 25 years ago (give or take). I was fishing a remote spot on the Grand River in Ohio. Wife rode along and stayed in the vehicle to read a book. Water was up and murky and it was snowing that day, and there was nobody else around. So, I let my dog tag along. I approached the stream at a spot that looked like it would be wadable, but visibility was less than a foot. I backed into the water, expecting it to be maybe knee deep or so. I was wrong. The bank was undercut. Because I was backing in, I was able to catch myself on a large clump of grass on the shore, stopping with the water level right at the top of my waders. This freaked the dog out, and he ran up to me whimpering and licking my face as I was hanging on to the clump of grass trying to climb back out. I crawled back out and eventually entered at a tail out, but the dog followed me, still whimpering. He went in as far as he could and still touch bottom (he wasn't all that fond of water). I felt sorry for him and decided to call it a day.

I also remember another fall way back when I was living in Connecticut (1984 or 5). It was a small to medium size stream with a fair amount of brush. I slipped and fell and ended up under a brush pike with just my head out of water. It wasn't all that deep there, maybe three feet, but I was on my back pinned under that brush. So, there I am hanging onto that brush pile to keep from going completely under it, and laughing at myself. I was able to crawl out of there without any difficulty. I was wet wading, so waders filling up was not an issue.

One other fall, probably 30 years ago. I was fishing a remote spot of a wild trout stream in the afternoon of opening day with a couple of friends. It was over a mile walk to the stream, so, I wore hip waders with lug soles. It was also snowing that day, but that is somewhat irrelevant other than showing it was a cold day. Within seconds of stepping into the stream, I slipped and went down sideways, and got soaked to the skin on one side of my body. Hip boot filled up as well. I was pissed, but there was no way I was walking out of there without fishing, or ruining my friends' outing. So, I drained the boot and commence fishing. Besides, I knew the walk back up that hill would warm me up.

I've had falls while fishing in more recent years, but it seems as I get older, they aren't as funny. ;)

Oh yea. At one of the jams, I fell in and got soaked. I walked back to the car and stripped to my underwear. A couple of the yahoos on here saw me and reached for their cameras, but I had a dry pair of shorts and I think I escaped that.
I have a funny/scary one but not quite falling in...I was fishing Cedar Run (Clinton County) in hip boots. I don't know why I decided to wear my dad's hip boots. Anyways I took like 2 steps in the water on the watercress. I sunk so deep in mud and muck I couldn't move. I sunk all the way down in over the top of the hip boots so water ran into the hip boots. When I would try to lean forward towards the open water I'd just sink in further. When I'd lean backwards I felt like I'd fall in backwards and not be able to pull myself back up because pushing up with my hands would just sink down in the muck. I could barely see the road and started yelling for help but there was no one around. Luckily I had my phone with and called my dad who was just a few miles away. He had to come with a garden rake and rope for me to hold on to to help pull me out. If he wouldn't have been there I would have had to have called 911 or just kept on yelling.
I have a funny/scary one but not quite falling in...I was fishing Cedar Run (Clinton County) in hip boots. I don't know why I decided to wear my dad's hip boots. Anyways I took like 2 steps in the water on the watercress. I sunk so deep in mud and muck I couldn't move. I sunk all the way down in over the top of the hip boots so water ran into the hip boots. When I would try to lean forward towards the open water I'd just sink in further. When I'd lean backwards I felt like I'd fall in backwards and not be able to pull myself back up because pushing up with my hands would just sink down in the muck. I could barely see the road and started yelling for help but there was no one around. Luckily I had my phone with and called my dad who was just a few miles away. He had to come with a garden rake and rope for me to hold on to to help pull me out. If he wouldn't have been there I would have had to have called 911 or just kept on yelling.
Or a bear may have found you.
I have a funny/scary one but not quite falling in...I was fishing Cedar Run (Clinton County) in hip boots. I don't know why I decided to wear my dad's hip boots. Anyways I took like 2 steps in the water on the watercress. I sunk so deep in mud and muck I couldn't move. I sunk all the way down in over the top of the hip boots so water ran into the hip boots. When I would try to lean forward towards the open water I'd just sink in further. When I'd lean backwards I felt like I'd fall in backwards and not be able to pull myself back up because pushing up with my hands would just sink down in the muck. I could barely see the road and started yelling for help but there was no one around. Luckily I had my phone with and called my dad who was just a few miles away. He had to come with a garden rake and rope for me to hold on to to help pull me out. If he wouldn't have been there I would have had to have called 911 or just kept on yelling.
More scary than funny for sure. Glad you were able to call for help.
Given the remoteness of the area, I'm surprised you were able to make a call
More scary than funny for sure. Glad you were able to call for help.
Given the remoteness of the area, I'm surprised you were able to make a call
This is the Cedar Run in Clinton County...not the one that runs into Pine. This Cedar Run goes into Fishing Creek.
This is the Cedar Run in Clinton County...not the one that runs into Pine. This Cedar Run goes into Fishing Creek.

I did the same thing as dfg at first. I was about to PM you and ask who your cell service provider was!

Thought about the watercress for a moment, and that it didn’t make sense, then reread.
2 years ago fishing in Montana on the Bitterroot which is a really fast good sized but very cold stream I was in the back of the guide's raft on the seat attached to the raft frame. It hung over the back tube of the raft. While zooming down a fast run I attempted a cast and for some reason I was looking at my Lamson reel and the spool just popped out for no apparent reason. It fell straight down and bounced off the anchor and came back up in the air. I made a lunge for it with my left hand and the momentum of my body launched me out of the raft and I did a back dive into the stream. I wasn't hurt and my glasses stayed on my head but when I tried to stand up the fast thigh deep current knocked me down a couple times. Thank God I wasn't wearing waders. I finally dug my heels into the bottom and launched myself backwards a couple times toward shore where the current was slower and I was able to stand. I was holding my rod but the spool was somewhere downstream. By then the guide had run back to me and fished the spool out of the stream and got me into some dry clothes. I rode the front seat the rest of the trip.
See my thread on Lamson spools in gear talk, it is an issue apparently haha.

As for slipping in, fished Jean's run a couple years ago. After hiking up and down this all day, at the end of the day we hit the very last large pool/waterfall at the top for one last cast. While moving into position, I slipped on a rock at the edge of the pool, fell in top first and snapped my rod just above the cork.

C'est la vie say the old folks
See my thread on Lamson spools in gear talk, it is an issue apparently haha.

As for slipping in, fished Jean's run a couple years ago. After hiking up and down this all day, at the end of the day we hit the very last large pool/waterfall at the top for one last cast. While moving into position, I slipped on a rock at the edge of the pool, fell in top first and snapped my rod just above the cork.

C'est la vie say the old folks
Adding insult to injury there for sure.
Hope you came out unscathed
I did the same thing as dfg at first. I was about to PM you and ask who your cell service provider was!

Thought about the watercress for a moment, and that it didn’t make sense, then reread.
Right. No cell service in the Canyon at all. Not even at Little Pine.