Wondering if there should be separate forums for ...



Active member
Dec 2, 2009
Wondering if there should be separate forums for warm water & saltwater fly fishing instead of having them both combined on this single one.
This issue comes up from time to time.
There isn't really enough saltwater interest on this forum despite the efforts of a few of us to gin up this interest. This is after all PA fly fish and there is almost no saltwater bordering the state. Most salt stuff posted here is NJ or FL or some other state. This is fine but the current view is that we don't need a saltwater forum here on PAFF. Perhaps in the future.
Or perhaps just change the name of the forum to reflect both types of fishing :-D

But I'm fine with the way it is now :p
jdaddy wrote:
Atlantic City Saltwater Jam yyyyyaaaaaa baby!

AC? Meh. The Hook? When.
How does one bridge the gap between 1wts and scorn for nymphing to 17 weights and surf?
I kinda like having both topics on the warm water forum, it seems to me that folks willing to go after everything from Muskies to Carp with the long rod have a good sense of adventure. Sooner or later I think we all start to toy with the idea of trying saltwater flyfishing and having made several trips to the salt over the last three years, it sort of gets in your blood. The reason I think we should leave the forum stay combined is because alot of the patterns and tecniques cross over to warm water (freshwater).
My salt box goes with me everytime I launch the kayak on moving water and I have used striper patterns to throw at cruising pike and Muskies. Just my two cents!

wingshot wrote:
My salt box goes with me everytime I launch the kayak on moving water and I have used striper patterns to throw at cruising pike and Muskies. Just my two cents!

Right there with ya'. I call mine my "boat box" and it's got my WW flies on one side and salt flies on the other. While I don't use the WW flies in the salt, I have on occassion pulled out the salt flies to use in WW.

I find saltwater fishing a challenge and nice change of pace. Sadly though, I only get to do it once-a-year during my annual trek to the OBX.
I'd love to try the salt , I have an 8 wt bass taper 8wt line , I can tie a decent Clouser , where is this Hook you speak of? Would that equipment fit the bill? If YOU were ME where would you start?
osprey wrote:
I'd love to try the salt , I have an 8 wt bass taper 8wt line , I can tie a decent Clouser , where is this Hook you speak of? Would that equipment fit the bill? If YOU were ME where would you start?

The "hook" they're talking about is a location along the New Jersey shore known as Sandy Hook. If you look at a map of NJ, it's the very prominent peninsula just south of Staten Island. It used to be a military base situated for the defense of the approaches to NYC. Although it's not my favorite part of the NJ shore (terrible traffic), it would probably be a good place to learn saltwater FFing.
My God, Jerry and Trowpa, you are just fishing obsessed. Suffer all the vices of AC for 18 hours and fish for 6 hours. Seriously. Lighten up!
Yes your 8wt will do , as well as clousers.
The Hook , there you can learn both worlds ,fishing the bay side and out front -ocean side.
There seems to be a good handful of salties here!

osprey wrote:
I'd love to try the salt , I have an 8 wt bass taper 8wt line , I can tie a decent Clouser , where is this Hook you speak of? Would that equipment fit the bill? If YOU were ME where would you start?

FI already gave you the basics, but the thing that seems nice about the Hook is you've got open ocean on one side, bays and coves on the other side, and a dedicated "fishing beach" without worrry of smacking some bather with 8oz of lead conviently shaped into a giant pyramid deathrocket with another 2oz of fishhead tailing along for the coup d'grace.

Someday, I'm gonna snap one off on the OCNJ beach during prime bathing hours and kill someone.

On the way into the Sandy Hook park, you can stop at the ranger station and get a map of the park and an idea of where you can go, and where the Navy will shoot at you for trespassing. Some parts of the cove side are verboten, as is the north part of the #OOPS#ula.

Wow, I know I misspelt the word for "point of land that sticks out into the water and surrounded on three sides," but I didn't think it was THAT bad.
jdaddy wrote:
My God, Jerry and Trowpa, you are just fishing obsessed. Suffer all the vices of AC for 18 hours and fish for 6 hours. Seriously. Lighten up!

I can't gamble and I can't afford hookers.

What's left? Fishing.
jayL wrote:
How does one bridge the gap between 1wts and scorn for nymphing to 17 weights and surf?

Easily, they're streamers and streamers are fun.

Watching your line twitch? Not fun.

Wondering what the Hell just pulled on your line, fun. You never know what'll come out of the ocean, unless you're me.. Then you can garuntee that it'll be seaweed.

Or, maybe a searobin!

Also, its an 8wt, but I overline it with a 10wt so it feels like a nice, slow action dry fly rod. I also false cast, alot.

I'm not very good at this ocean thing.
jdaddy wrote:
My God, Jerry and Trowpa, you are just fishing obsessed. Suffer all the vices of AC for 18 hours and fish for 6 hours. Seriously. Lighten up!

I am with Jdaddy. Salt Jam in AC!!!!!!!!!!!
If I go to AC, I won't fish. Not that I am against a trip to AC...

I am a die hard trout and bass FFer, but the salt isn't enough to pull me away from fun and profit.
jayL wrote:
If I go to AC, I won't fish. Not that I am against a trip to AC...

I am a die hard trout and bass FFer, but the salt isn't enough to pull me away from fun and profit.

We could fish that channel behind the Borgata between tourneys.
The one that smells like pee?