Wondering about Donegal Creek in Late Feb?



Jan 28, 2007
I am thinking about going to the Lancaster show the first week in March. Since I live well over an hour to the site I thought I'd go up a day early and fish Donegal. Any thoughts? Any other ideas (Muddy Creek)?

As always, your insights are appreciated.
The Donegal should be just fine, but you won't need a whole day on it. Muddy is a bit further away. If you're going to stay in Lancaster, come up and fish the afternoon on the Donegal the day before the show.
Donegal or Lititz Run...they're both limestoners and will fish during this cold weather. As mentioned, you won't need a day for the Donegal. Fish it from Rt. 23 upstream to 772.
If they have survived/resided, you should be able to find plenty of RT "fingerlings" that were stocked in the fall. If those "fingerlings" were as large as last year's when stocked, they were 7.25 inches when stocked and by this time last year some were reported to be 8.5-9 inches long.

There is also a substantial wild brown trout population developing....Class A equivalent this past summer. This is occurring despite continued stocking. Granted, the stockings are "fingerlings," but this is only a technicality since the fish are small adult size. Additionally, the "fingerlings" are being stocked in much higher numbers than the adults used to be, so the recent cessation of adult trout stocking in Donegal has nothing to do with the Class A equivalent brown trout population's development, as the response in the wild brown trout population would have been too quick relative to the timing of the last adult stocking's effect. Clearly, the wild browns were already present in similar abundance when the last adults were stocked in spring, 2012. A stream does not go from mediocre to a Class A equivalent in one year.

So there is some history for you. All RT stocked in the past two falls as "fingerlings" have the adipose fin removed. Good luck if you make the trip.
Mike, I can confirm that there are plenty of the fingerlings there, and they are averaging about 8.5-9". Just a little over a week ago my nephew and I caught seven in short stretch of stream in just 30 minutes of fishing. The browns are nice, but tougher to catch.

Thank you for the info on the fingerlings. Good to know that they have survived so far.