2 types of geothermal energy, really.
Geo can be cost-effective in good old PA for heat/cool systems. Basically you gotta dig up the yard and lay a lot of pipe. But once it's done, when its turned on it trends your house towards average yearly temperature, which here is around 55 degrees. So, in the winter, you're heating your house from a base temperature of 55, a lot warmer than ambient, and save energy that way. In the summer it reduces you're need for air conditioning by quite a bit. As far as reducing green house gas emissions the total savings, even if everyone did it, would be minimal. Again, much of the energy use goes to industry, so anything you do in you're home isn't going to have much of an effect globally, it can't be looked at as a power solution. However, it can indeed be cost effective. If you're looking at it as a way to save money for yourself, then by all means. Whether it is cost effective for you is going to depend on a lot of detailed factors, such as you're local landscaping. You may even need to have a consultant come in to give you a quote, gonna be different for everyone I'd think. But geo generally fits Pennsylvania better than wind or solar.
If you just did a search, though, you'll find a lot on geothermal energy that means something totally different. In some volcanically active areas, like Iceland, Hawaii, and even the west coast of the U.S., they can and do generate power from large centralized geothermal plants. Basically pump water down hole to above a lava field or into a generally geothermally heated area, let it boil, and use the steam to turn a turbine. Its cheap, easy, and underused. I never did a scale analysis of it personally, but the engineers who have claim a top-out share of about 25% in the U.S., which, if correct, is considerably more than the 5% realistically estimated for solar + wind combined. In other words, if we if we pursued it aggressively, we may actually be able to reverse the trend of increased fossil fuel consumption, and close a few plants. The best the other greens do is slow the increase of our consumption.