Will This Fish Live?



Active member
Apr 23, 2013
I caught a rainbow today that was missing most of it's gill cover.
I was tempted to pop it in the head and keep it, thinking it was going to die anyway. But then I didn't really feel like dragging it around with all afternoon.

Sorry the pic isn't that good. You should be able to see what I'm talking about though.
I would say yes, I have caught multiple fish like this and they where in the creek for weeks...I'm def not an expert but from what I have seen it should be fine
It lived long enough to reach that size. Odds are I will continue on its way ay until I suffers damage to the gills from a hand, fishing line or submurged brush while trying to escape an anglers hook. Used to see some Brooks on BS that were the same or worse. Just looked at them, said "yuk" and let them go.
Almost certainly.
It is common to catch fish from time to time that have deformities or other physical issues. Most of the time, they manage to thrive.
I caught a healthy rainbow on the Yellowstone river with no tail- I couldn't believe it but it wiggled away when I released it.
I've caught many like that over the years. It will live
a rainbow stockie, in open water.....doubt it.