Wilkinson (Maxwell)



Mar 27, 2011
Here's the latest.
Kinda like this pattern, though doing it again i'd make the wing more banded.

Hook is a Ronn Lucas Philips Limerick #5.

Generally quite happy. I'd like the wing to be a bit flatter at the back end, and also not pointing up.
ran into trouble again with the roof as i was down to my last couple of mallards. Need some good stuff going forward.

I think generally i've progressed quite well lately in terms of the back end and the body, now my focus is going to be on the front end - roof, sides (which are a complete shambles here, also need some good teal etc) throat (which could be a fraction long on this one) and toppings.

I put a progressive rib on this one too for the first time, though you'd hardly notice it.

The magenta hackles i dyed myself, and quite happy with how they turned out too.


This is a stunner Eunan. You made great use of one of Ronn's hooks. Awesome work.