Wild Trout Trifecta

Theres 2 tribs that from a Y right before they flows into the prickly stream on the western side. Have you ever fish that? We walked a little ways up it with no luck.

No, I haven't. I'd been meaning to but never got back up there. Both are on the natural repro list. The main one is class B.

Always found it strange that the small stream you did fish, and caught mostly brookies, is actually listed class A for bows. But my experiences there have been the same as you, mostly brookies. I catch far more bows in the main stem and the bottom end of the prickly trib.
Ive gotten the trifecta on a different trib to the conifer stream. it's a bit of a hike to get to, but I always do good on it, and never see another person, which I find even better than catching fish!!

BTW, quite a few streams in the laurel highlands where a trifecta is possible as well.
Congrats!! And beautiful fish. Getting the trifecta is cool........not a lot of places give you that opportunity.

I too am a little surprised by those numbers of browns, even for the bigger creek. Next time they might all be hiding..... Ya never know with brown trout haha. My fish breakdown on those creeks has been similar to pcrays...

steveo27 wrote:
I think some of the problem with that outta was it was an unseasonable cold day where the temps had dropped probably 30+ degrees overnight and never recovered. I wonder if that put the fish off?

That's very possible. I often have poor luck on smaller streams when temps drop like that, especially when fishing dries.

bikerfish wrote:
Ive gotten the trifecta on a different trib to the conifer stream. it's a bit of a hike to get to, but I always do good on it, and never see another person, which I find even better than catching fish!!

BTW, quite a few streams in the laurel highlands where a trifecta is possible as well.

I fished that for a little. Man is it hard walkin/fishin in spots with all the downed trees.

Ive never had much luck with browns or bows in the Laurel Highlands. My wild tiger trout did come from a Laurel Highlands stream though,
LOL Id imagine so.
wildtrout2 wrote:
bikerfish wrote:
Ive gotten the trifecta on a different trib to the conifer stream.
Would that be the peanut butter cup stream? :-D

haha! yeah, not that hard to figure out!
For those who already know it. But it does keep google searches from turning up this thread.
Very good.