Wild Trout Trifecta



Jun 4, 2014

I did it. This past weekend.

I fished a stream Ive been wanting to fish for a while now.

Im glad I did. It yielded some surprises.




All said and done, I caught 4 wild 'bows, well over a dozen wild browns, and countless gemmies.

And to top it off, all of the fish were caught on dries.

(Ill upload a few more pictures tomorrow)

Very nice! Congrats to you. I've done that a couple times on a certain mountain freestone.
Congrats Steveo !!!! Nice pics
Man, that bow is a beauty.
That's a helluva great day! Congrats!

That's a damn good day right there. Congrats
Congrats man! I've never done it in PA (the wild bow is what often escapes me), but in Vermont I did it on just about every outing.
Like the Squatch, for me the bow is the always the toughest to it happen. Once caught Brown, Brook, and bow on consecutive rises on Fishing Creek during an early Spring hatch. The first two were legit for sure; the rainbow looked the part but didn't think Big Fishing Creek had reproduction on them. Could have escaped the hatchery at a young age which would have explained it's excellent coloration and fins. At the time just hooking three beautiful fish on top was more than enough, especially on March 1rst.
Thanks guys! Its been a special year so far with the wild tiger trout in the spring, and now some wild 'bows. I feel very fortunately.

Anywho, here's a shot of another of the wild rainbows -


Ill try to upload some more pics later on this week
Just a guess, was it a prickly tributary of a conifer stream? ;)

Congrats either way.

I fished said tributary back March without much luck. I wanted to take another crack at that watershed, so I headed back up last weekend and fished the main creek this time from said tributary upstream upstream about 2.5 miles with much more success. I fished the other smaller class A tributary that feeds into it, caught a ton of gemmies, 1 'bow, but no browns.

I do want to get back up there again this summer and fish said prickly tributary again and see if I can manage to catch all 3 in there as well.
Nice. Thats a great feeling. Think I have only done it once, maybe twice. I think I know the stream you refer to, have seen you talk about it before, and have looked into it before, but a bit of a hike for me. Thanks for sharing man!
Congrats to you! That is a day you'll remember for a lifetime.
Surprised that the browns outnumbered the bows in that stretch. Always got both, but numbers of those two about reversed. Been a few years though, maybe things are changing. Your experience on the smaller trib is about par for the course, though yes, there are a couple browns in there (and a few brookies in the main stream too)

In the prickly trib, in the lower cabin end, there are browns in the pools. Bows in the pockets in the riffs. As you go upstream, things get worse regarding bows. But gemmies start picking up the slack.
Gotcha. We didnt start fishing said tributary until we got up stream of the cabins just outta respect for the people that live/camp there. My buddy caught a brown about a 1/4 mile up past the last camp, but that was it. It was gemmies up from there.

Theres 2 tribs that from a Y right before they flows into the prickly stream on the western side. Have you ever fish that? We walked a little ways up it with no luck.

I think some of the problem with that outta was it was an unseasonable cold day where the temps had dropped probably 30+ degrees overnight and never recovered. I wonder if that put the fish off?
Now I get the gist of "prickly stream". I caught one of my biggest browns on that stream. Love that area.