Wild Rainbows

silverfox wrote:
jifigz wrote:

So, to directly reference my first post, if browns are already established and clearly control the waters, why would you care if rainbows started to occupy some of the space the other invasive species already controls? I said as long as rainbows don't push out brookies in their streams.

I am all for limiting and stoping invasive species where possible.

jifigz wrote:

I am all for limiting and stoping invasive species where possible.

So why promote increasing the presence of another non-native species?

Compounding a problem doesn't seem like a sound argument to me.

Of course, I'm an extremist. I'd rather a river be native, even if that means there are no trout than it be artificially maintained as a non-native trout fishery. You mentioned brook trout never "coming back" to Penns. You do know that they are in Penns and have been forever right? I don't know for certain whether they're residents or if they only use it for migration, but I've caught them in the mainstem.

I'm not trying to push my beliefs on everyone, just pointing out that there are people out there who take a hard line on the non-natives. I'd personally dump the rotenone in the Letort if I could, but I'll fish for the euro fish while they're there. I do find it interesting how accepting PA is of non-native species while states out west take the opposite approach.

Timely point of reference: https://k2radio.com/yellowstone-to-biologists-eliminate-non-native-brook-rainbow-trout-in-gibbon-river/

I am aware of Brook trout in Penns. I mean that they are never going to dominate the stream again.. Ever. Browns are there to stay. You might as enjoy them.

By poisoning our fisheries to rid them of browns and rainbows I think all we would do is economic harm from people coming to fish. I'm all about maintaining the wild trout that we have. Native and non native get blurred at some point. The entire existence of this planet has forever been a crashing and bashing of species running into other species and pushing them out etc.. That has always happened and it will continue to happen as long as life exists. People speed the process up tremendously.