Wild Rainbows in Pennsylvania

LOL kray, that's a heck of a pic. Got a good laugh out of that.

Seriously though about the nightcrawler or power bait comment, Ive never used power bait a day in my life. BUT, nightcrawlers can be downright deadly for trout if fished properly. Small pieces, threaded on hooks.

I have caught many, many large browns and some large rainbows too using them. The big browns definitely seem to have more of an appetite for them though. A few of the large fish I posted pics of last fall on here were caught on good ol crawlers.
Kray, more importantly, where'd you get that sweet belt?
On tour from a roadie
I tried to use powerbait on the smallmouth lake in back of me just to see what would happen.
Caught a huge catfish on 2nd cast-threw the stuff away.
krayfish2 wrote:
Wild bows are quite common here in PA. I attached a pic of me holding an 'average size' wild bow from this summer.

sweet pic, have you lost weight ? ha ha

I believe that if you also look at the PFBC County guide by county you can flag the Class A and a click will tell you the fishery.

OP - were you on the White ? my one fishing regret from living in Boston was not getting the chance to fish up there...

Tip your wooly buggers with night crawler pieces to avoid the skunk.
Leave the styrofoam cup on the bank as a calling card so other anglers know you've already cleaned out that pool
Thought that was Nugent at first.
Nudge don't fish! Ain't got time. He's busy fillin the freezer with back straps.

Saw the "fat" post but chose not to reply to something so ridiculous
OP - were you on the White ? my one fishing regret from living in Boston was not getting the chance to fish up there...

geebee - Nah, I didn't get on the White. I fished a lot of brookie streams throughout the greens and landed some wild 'bows on the Lamoille/N. Branch of Lamoille up in North Central Vermont. It's a beautiful area if you ever get a chance to see it.

We also went over to New Hampshire and I fished a lot of brookie water over there. I wrote a post about it on my blog with some photos if interested - http://www.raftmanspath.com/blog/vermont-new-hampshire

I can't wait to get back up there.
krayfish2 wrote:
Leave the styrofoam cup on the bank as a calling card so other anglers know you've already cleaned out that pool

actually that's genius - put 2-3 Styrofoam cups on the bank at dusk the night before you want to fish, and everyone will just walk on by it....

I must do that next time I want to make a brookie curry.

thanks for the tip.
