Wild Fires danger is high



Active member
Sep 13, 2006
Wild fire danger is high as the season starts, keep this in mind when lighting camp fire or discarding a cigarette, don't leave the fire unattended, don't throw cigs on the ground.
About 5 years ago in late April while in NC PA 6 wild fires were being worked all t the same time in Tioga County.
I had to help put out a fire by buffalo creek on macmillan road Saturday it was nuts!!!
This is no joke, 40 acres burned in a metropark near Cleveland last week.
Seems really early to be this dry.
every year this time up here is fire hazzard time. under brush is really dry right now, hopin for some rain this week..
Big fire near Elizabeth, PA today. Started in a garage and turned into a brush fire last I heard. You could see the smoke for miles. Firetrucks from all around the area were racing to the scene.
Fire on Hay Creek Last Friday.