Wild Brook Trout

afishinado wrote:

A slight shift from stocking wild and native trout streams to streams without an appreciable wild population of fish is the best we can hope for at this time.

Why do you think so?

troutbert wrote:
afishinado wrote:

A slight shift from stocking wild and native trout streams to streams without an appreciable wild population of fish is the best we can hope for at this time.

Why do you think so?

The cessation of stocking in any stream always has been difficult for the PFBC to achieve. Heck, recently the policy of no stocking of Class A's has even been watered down to appease those in favor of stocking.

Do you think the PFBC will make wide-sweeping changes to their stocking policies in favor of wild trout?....and why?
Advocacy can work.

I've seen it work. The Rockview land deal proved beyond any doubt that it can work.

The sportsmens clubs don't take the defeatist attitude that advocacy doesn't work. They express their wishes to their legislators and their Fish Commissioners. And that has an influence.

If we (the wild trout supporters) talked more to our legislators and Fish Commissioners, that would have an influence also.

As I've already said, in 2003 the PFBC tried to take 63 Class B streams off the stocking list. Which shows that they want to do the right thing.

They just need more support.

On YWC and Cross Fork, it is the sportsmens clubs responsible for advocating the stocking.
salvelinus is correct regarding Young Woman's Creek and Cross Fork Creek. Many of the regulars (including me) that have fished those streams for decades regard it as a bitter joke. Let's dump a bunch of rainbows in Cross Fork Creek at Windfall Run and the snowmobile bridge to appease someone.
salvelinus wrote:
On YWC and Cross Fork, it is the sportsmens clubs responsible for advocating the stocking.

That's right. As as I said:

"The sportsmens clubs don't take the defeatist attitude that advocacy doesn't work."

They showed very clearly that it does work.

Book trout are not easy to adopt to change.
I wish they go with hydrixide ions of the water easier.
Greater than 7 alkaline solution and various plants in east pa.

The Fish and Boat Commission has scheduled a series of Sportsmens Forums across the state to solicit opinions from anglers and boaters on how the PFBC can best conserve aquatic resources while creating more opportunities for fishing and boating recreation. The forums will feature an overview of the existing programs of the agency and a discussion of its current financial state of affairs.

Info on PAF&BC web page, links to the region meetings on left side to the web page.

Here is a good read:
