Mar 21, 2016
My wife and I are retirees in the Poconos. I've been fly fishing for 2 years. My wife has never fished. Although not particularly athletic or outdoorsy , she recently took the free Orvis 101/201 intro to fly fishing course and kind of liked it. Considering getting her a new fly rod outfit for Mothers Day for use on local streams in northeast Pa and the Upper Delaware - something appropriate for a beginner, lightweight and a rod she won't quickly outgrow. I'll have her test cast some rods but would like to keep it to a reasonable number. Considering Orvis Recon/Clearwater, Winston Nexxus, Sage Pulse/Accel. Any advice and recommendations on rods/lines would be gratefully appreciated.
I forgot to add the Scott A4 to the list. Fortunately, we live in an area where my wife can test cast any of the major brands. Thanks for your anticipated help.
Doesn't Orvis still offer a big discount on the Clearwater outfits for class attendees? You should check where she takes the classes.
Not sure. I'll check on both Clearwater and Recon.
She received some Orivs coupons which could be applied to any Orvis rod. However, the opportunity to save a few bucks would not be a factor unless she test casted and liked the rod. We have 5 fly shops within an hours drive which carry all the major brands. The list of potential rods in my original and follow up posts is simply based on internet research of rods which I think she might like. What I'm looking for is recommendations of rods for her to test cast from members of this forum who have far more expertise and experience than I
She doesn't have to get a super expensive rod so she won't " outgrow".. I'm 17 and work part time after school and saving up for a stang so those rods are out of question until I buy the car and do well on $150 rods. Don't feel like I have any restrictions at all. Just buy her nice line and she'll be fine. Also maybe you have kids/ in the future you'll have kids that will take to the sport and you can give them that to beat up.
Three forks rods are really nice for the money
ICM wrote:
Considering Orvis Recon/Clearwater, Winston Nexxus, Sage Pulse/Accel. Any advice and recommendations on rods/lines would be gratefully appreciated.

All of these rods are great rods. You can't go wrong with them. You do have quite a wide price range though and the rods are not all similar in characteristics.

I would lean towards a Recon or Accell if budget allows. Clearwater if you need to watch your spending.

I also think the Scott A4 is worth mentioning. Great rod, great workmanship, and made in the USA.

In regard to test casting I think your input is as valuable as hers. If she's a raw beginner she's probably not going to get much out of test casting, and in fact her preferences might actually be counterproductive to improving as a caster.

But then again I think test casting is more about weeding out the few dogs than finding the "one" rod. Most rods are good and having personally cast all the rods mentioned here, you really can't go wrong. Good casting mechanics will yield good results.

If it were me it would be between the Clearwater 9ft 5wt or the Scott A4.

If you are going winston, go for a boron rod - not a graphite, Just my 2 cents
So "she kind of liked it."


A fly fishing outfit MIGHT be a good gift idea.

But it's worth considering the possibility that some other gift might be more appreciated.

She's a "wife" and I suggested it. Since when does a wife ever tell her husband, " What a GREAt idea, I'm SO glad you suggested it." :)