Why We Fish



Active member
Sep 16, 2006
LJ, the site does not like CAPITAL letters when used to express the img code. I fixed your photo and also resized it so the thread window does not require scrolling back and forth if there are comments posted.

For everyone's edification, when posting photos, large photos will make the message windows for all other posts expand to the width of the photo. Thus, if there are other text messages, the text will not wrap at the end of the screen, but will require left/right scrolling to read. I'm sure we have all seen this occur.

If you want to avoid this, what you can do is express the image with a standard HTML code as follows:

[Please note, I have to use an "&" instead of "
Thanks Jack, can you fix the other one? Also there are other options with photobucket would one of the other work??
The other one was the exact same picture, so I killed the whole thread. i don't know anything about photobucket, sorry.
I use photobucket and if you edit the size to the "message board" size it will work and tends not to distort the picture like Jack's method does.

One from yesterday (resized):

Well that didn't work
Nice pictures.

Is there some sort of sticky on resizing photos anywhere on the board?