Why not in PA?

I'm not sure on this one - I'm inclined to favor more conservative fishing regs. While it may not be rocket science I'm not sure the PFBC could word the regulations in a way that was clear and unequivocal. Every year in March we have the big go round on this board over where one can and cannot fish during closed season due to unclear regulations. This does not give me a lot of confidence that a partial closure law can be written in a way that fulfills the intent and can be clearly understood.
Dear Fishidiot,

Honestly, what ever happened to no trout fishing before the first Saturday after April 11th, or no bass fishing before the 2nd Saturday in June?

I'm not sure that more laws or regulations are what we need?

Most people who have fished for a while and who have a conscience know what is right and what is wrong. The people who don't know that out of ignorance may very well learn, but there is a component of angler's out there who simply don't care. I surmise that those people represent a larger component of the angling public than you think they do?

I don't want to be melodramatic, but where would you rather the WCO's concentrate their effort's during the late summer when in a drought year? Should they concentrate on stopping un-ethical pigs who are trout fishing in cold water seeps on trout streams, or should they concentrate their efforts on keeping people in powerboats from running over other people?

I'll bet you'd be surprised by my answer to that question, but that is neither here nor there. Frankly, I'm still lamenting the dead bear from Hickory Run State Park.

Tim Murphy :)
Ohiooutdoorsman wrote:

‘…its much better to worry about why the water is hot in the first place than to worry about people fishing over hot water…’

’…Its easier to focus on regs which we control as fisherman than on the larger environmental issues which we don't control…’

‘…We probably have 10 threads on regs for every one thread on environmental issues on this board…’

‘…I'm as guilty or more guilty as the next guy arguing about regs…”

Ditto. Bullseye. Game, set and match.
While it'll still never happen. The easy way would be stricter regs on wild fisheries and let the stockies under general regs.