Why Mentor?

I haven't really "mentored" too many people, and not for a few years taken someone less experienced. But I have the pleasure of fishing occasionally with some experienced anglers that still have the desire to learn more. We share our observations back and forth throughout the day and also our postulations as to why or how.

I'm not more than an adequate caster, nor of versatile techniques; but, I do enjoy "studying" stream dynamics and hatch dynamics particularly. The thing I try to emphasize with my fishing companions is that you MUST stay on the water until it is really too dark to walk out conveniently.
Finally got to the camera and got the chip out to allow me to post some photos of Pete with his first fish.

Now, i need to work on him with getting the line on the reel!

Seriously, it was a real kick watching him work out a way to roll cast in a tight spot and to get into getting the fly where he wanted it.

Tons of fun for me, watching him and getting excited over every fish he caught.



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albatross wrote:

We are all just sharing from what we know. All of us still have others in the sport we look up to. Its good to have balance in all aspects of your life, learn a little, teach a little.

to add to that...I think those that do share (teach) learn things from those we teach as well. I forget a lot of what I learned until I see someone doing something that I used to do but now know better now. Showing others is a great way to refresh what you know.
tomgamber wrote:
albatross wrote:

We are all just sharing from what we know. All of us still have others in the sport we look up to. Its good to have balance in all aspects of your life, learn a little, teach a little.

to add to that...I think those that do share (teach) learn things from those we teach as well. I forget a lot of what I learned until I see someone doing something that I used to do but now know better now. Showing others is a great way to refresh what you know.

I just wish I knew more to teach him. Luckily, Dan is there frequently and is willing to share his knowledge with Pete as he did and still does with me.

That doesn't even mention all that I'm trying to pass on from learning here and with board members who have mentored me.
Why mentor? My father didn't fish so I learned it all on my own with the help of some super nice guys like Bob Clouser. I've been able to get so much enjoyment from the sport over the years that I think everyone should try it once. I get just as much out of watching a fishing partner catch a fish as I do get from catching one myself. I took DaveS out hunting for big browns one morning last summer. The guy had made a 6.5 hour drive to get to a river that was blown out. Our other option was 78 degrees so there was little trout angling going on. I promised him that if he made the trip again, I'd get him on a 24" trout. He hooked several that morning, landed 3 or 4 and we came up about 3/4" short of the target. Everytime he hooked up, I'd shout or giggle. Couldn't wait to get the net and have him pose with the fish. To me, it's all about sharing the love of the sport.

Krayfish 3:16

Okay----I just couldn't resist.


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thank you for the new avatar.