Why Mentor?



Well-known member
Jan 16, 2012
Carbondale, PA
I thought I understood why many of the members of the PAFF act as mentors for those of us just getting into the sport, but after this evening, I have a much better understanding.

I introduced my brother, Pete (aka the Aardvark) to the sport a week and a half ago and had him out on the Lackawanna. He enjoyed himself, but was dealing with a broken rod, and having to borrow mine. I cleared that up by detouring to Cabelas on the way home from NYC Sunday. I gave him the Cabelas Prestige five weight outfit to get him set up with decent equipment.

Having some time this evening, we headed for a county park near us and spent some time casting wooly buggers and, after we saw some risers, parachute duns. It didn't take too long before Pete had his first fish on the fly! It may have been only a bluegill, but he was grinning from ear to ear and I know I was sure happy for him! Quite a good feeling, getting him started and watching him land that first fish on a dry fly........

Now, on to his first trout!
I love fishing for bluegills and they are a great way to get someone into the sport. I actually took up fly fishing primarily to fish for bluegills.

Now my friend wants to get into it so I'm having him start at ponds where the bluegills and other panfish are cooperative and its just a lot easier to learn on a pond rather than moving water.
Yeah, learning on a pond is a lot easier. The water was like glass and the gills were taking insects off the top, so I put a parachute dun on for him and he was having a ball. I had to break my rod down and start walking out to get him off the water!
Yup. Mentoring lets us become merchants of our best selves, usually when we least expect it. As i said once upon a time (in a bar): "Give a dude a fish, he eats 4
one day, BUT give a VEGETARIAN a fish & he'll have fish for the rest of his life..."
mcfinn wrote:
Yup. As i said once upon a time (in a bar): "Give a dude a fish, he eats 4
one day, BUT give a VEGETARIAN a fish & he'll have fish for the rest of his life..."

I believe I saw that attributed to the famous McFinn in a book of quotes.......... :)

I do feel a little presumptuous, trying to teach while still having so much to learn myself!

mcfinn wrote:
Yup. Mentoring lets us become merchants of our best selves, usually when we least expect it. As i said once upon a time (in a bar): "Give a dude a fish, he eats 4
one day, BUT give a VEGETARIAN a fish & he'll have fish for the rest of his life..."

We are all just sharing from what we know. All of us still have others in the sport we look up to. Its good to have balance in all aspects of your life, learn a little, teach a little.
albatross wrote:

We are all just sharing from what we know. All of us still have others in the sport we look up to. Its good to have balance in all aspects of your life, learn a little, teach a little.

well put.

I wouldn't be where I am today without help from guys like Albatross. Someday, hopefully, I'll have enough experience to help someone else out.
On Monday I shall participate it an exhibition at Corodus State Park on the Fish for Free day. I presume I shall give a "talk" on MCTU and our accomplishments but imagine I will engulf in all sorts of sharing and teaching of the fun of flyfishing. Its always empowering to share with those who don't know any better. Lets hope they are all that way. :-D
Getting a new person into fly fishing or fishing in general is just paying it forward.An old cleshay? But true. We all owe others for getting us started and it's kind of a way of saying thanks to them. Kind of a legasy? Even at my age Ii have learned a few things from folks on the site.ie Paul G throw to the bank. With a beetle or an ant pattern. So pass on what you know cause you sure can't take it with you.GG
I enjoy this more than fishing myself anymore. Watching the excitement grow init he person you at teaching is awesome. Got to watch a friend who I talked into fly-fishing land a beautiful 16-17" brown on the yellow creek fly project. Its awesome to see some have success using the things you teach them and the flies you tied for them.
I had an amazing day on a Pocono stream w/ a friend. Out of the entire day, he only fished 30-45 minutes. He giggled as much as I did with each fish i caught. That's dedication to a passion, when you enjoy passing knowledge on as much as using it.
DJS or anyone never feel foolish about passing along to someone else what you know, you'll have someone to help learn with. Lets face it if they are friends of ours they already know that we are not as good as we think we are anyway.

I had a buddy years ago who was a bait fisherman and we went fishing together and I was just starting out fly fishing and it was ugly, slapping water, heaps of line landing in a pile but I still got lucky and caught like two fish (dumb ones) and I was so excited he thought I caught a trophy when he heard me hooting and hollering about 10 inch stocker. The next year same stream same buddy except he had just got a fly rod and that day was his first time, it was awesome.
Dave, you know a lot more than you think you know. Remember I've been there and I have seen your progression and knowledge grow. If you didn't pay it forward there would be one cold Fox up your arse!
Fox! Where you been hiding?

Trying to pay it forward and get my brother into fly-fishing. He seems to have been bitten by the bug! I have some photos, but having just gotten back from visiting Grand-kids in Detroit, have not yet taken them off the chip.
Ouch. Uncomfortable.

Foxgap239 wrote:
If you didn't pay it forward there would be one cold Fox up your arse!

Seriously though, another benefit to mentoring and just fishing with newer guys (and girls) is seeing differences in styles, mindsets and techniques. I also find it clarifies my knowledge when I have to put it in terms others understand.

I've had some great mentoring myself that certainly contains wisdom, knowledge and experience that isn't in any book, and can't be found on youtube. Although they have a place as well.

Dave, been swamped with work. Right now I'm in Southern CA for almost 3 weeks but on the plus side I did bring my gear and will head up in the mountains as many times as possible. Poor me!
JT, the new avatar is hilariously disturbing!

Foxgap239 wrote:
JT, the new avatar is hilariously disturbing!
Tie better to give than receive.