Why do you Fly Fish?



Well-known member
Aug 5, 2013
I have been following Brothers on the Fly for a while now. They are a Sweden/Germany based group that has produced some of the most visually stunning film and down to earth story lines that I have seen on such a small scale. I think they have summed it up best in this teaser for there most recent film "The Italian Diaries".


"Many people seem to think that catching fish is the only reason we go fishing. As fly fishermen, we know it's much more than that. For us its often simply about seeing new places...about the risk of leaving the sure thing for the uncertain".

To meet chicks.
So I don't kill people
Fly fishing is a joke.
Waders make my butt look smaller
With all of the lousy conditions we've had the last couple of springs - I've been wondering that myself a lot lately.
Been hitting lots of cold, wind, rain or snow, and high muddy water.
Maybe it's time for me to take try golf?
Avoid boredom in the outdoors.
dryflyguy wrote:
With all of the lousy conditions we've had the last couple of springs - I've been wondering that myself a lot lately.
Been hitting lots of cold, wind, rain or snow, and high muddy water.
Maybe it's time for me to take try golf?

Hey DFG, the weather on the golf course is same!

Maybe, you can team up with K-fish Andy. I understand he's looking to start up a miniature golf course. The main attraction will be the sink the ball in the boat hole he's designing.... :lol:
I C&R so I can make fish late for sh%$...
So I can be alone with that special person in my life...never finds fault,always full of praise.
I like untying knots, untangling things, and cursing. It's therapeutic.
So I have something to spend my entire paycheck on
Because I enjoy it and Work is for Suckers.
I have the gear, might as well.....

The dry weather has killed my fishing but dramatically improved my driving distance. Watching a puff of dust come up when your tee shot lands is almost as good as watching a fish sip a nicely presented dry.....almost. Anyone want to organize a putting jam? I'm awful with the flat stick.
It has been an interesting progression from just liking to catch fish then getting into looking at the insects and then the streamside birds and animals. Next thing you know and I am interested in identifying mushrooms and plants... One part leads to another. I guess it can happen when fishing with a spinning rod but something about flyfishing has drawn me closer to nature. I don't often travel to new or exotic locations but seeing the same set of streams at various times of day/seasons is maybe just as good because I get to know the places so well.
There's a couple different motivations.

Part of it is an escape. Some would say FROM reality. To me, it may be from my everyday life, but it's TO reality.

There's an aspect of where it takes you. Hiking gives the same thing for many, but this is like hiking with something to do when you get there. Still, scenery and remoteness are advantageous for this, and this is the itch that brookie fishing scratches. You're looking for natural beauty rather than pure sport.

I also like the technical aspects. This is the sport part. It's a puzzle to solve with a whole lot of variables. I'm an engineer and I like to solve complex puzzles. This is the part that's about getting in tune with a natural ecosystem. Chasing hatches and different stages of bug development, keeping on top of water conditions, weather, water chemistry, and all that fun.
To see if my flies work
The question I often ask myself, and am very thankful for, is why doesn't everyone fly fish. If I didn't, me and idratherbephishin would have one hell of a killing spree.

I never liked buying bait.

Sticking a bugger and a popper in my hat and forceps and a license on my shorts to wet wade for summer smallies is pretty much a perfect day for me.

Not to mention how fun it is to flyfish for trout. I always wanted to flyfish for trout, but when i discovered how fun summer warmwater fishing could be with a fly I really started leaving the spin rod at home.