Why do people put fish on rocks for pictues????



Well-known member
Jun 1, 2015
I don't get it, I know it's a touchy subject but geez.
could take a pic of them over hot coals!
I lay mine on my hot aluminum boat seat because the colors look pretty against the olive drab background and I have a measuring tape sticker on there that I got from the PAFBC so you can see how big.
Probably a few reasons.

1. Perceived easiest way to take a picture when you are by yourself. Bonus points for putting your rod next to the fish in the picture.

2. Lack of education in proper fish handling.

3. Fishman doesn't have a net so the best way to land the fish is haul it up on the rocks/bank. Take picture, unhook fish an then kick it back into the water because who wants to touch a slimy fish.

I know due to a lack of education that I have done all of the above well except the last part of #3. I now know better and carry a net. I hardly ever take a picture or get the fish out of the water. I net the fish, unhook, and release with minmal handling and usually without taking the fish out of the water.

My pictures changed from this:


To this or no picture at all since I have no been educated on the more proper way to handle fish.

Self conscious about their unsightly man hands.
Because their there, released unharmed.


  • TROUT481.jpg
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Why do people hold fish out of the water for pictures (not to mention countless other scenarios related to fish handling)?

Is it okay if the rocks are wet? What size "rocks" are we talking about? What about air or water temp? What about species or spawning condition? And how did you handle them up to this point: did you lip grip 'em...or squeeze 'em too hard before you put them on the rocks (wet or otherwise)?

In other words....in the final analysis, fish handling is arbitrary. The matter of fish handling is indeed a touchy subject (sometimes literally). This is why we recommend a cease-fire on the forum over the matter of fish handling.

Discussion of touchy subjects like fish handling is okay in the abstract. Just understand....if you call out someone else's fish handling pic, be prepared to receive criticism for you own handling methods.
Probably the same reason they stupidly handle the fish to take pictures for their avatar....they paid for a license, they can do with the fish whatever is within the law/rights. Worry about your freaking self.
Better then throwing them in the mud for a photo...I don't have too much of a problem with rock photos as long as the fish cooperates. Would prefer to see wet rocks however.
My pics these days are usually in the water, if not in a wet hand or the net.
I find if I leave them in the water, they won't hold still unless I place a large rock on their head. ;-)


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Dave_W wrote:
be prepared to receive criticism for you own handling methods.

Please, if you see me doing anything that deserves reeducation, don't hesitate to learn me.
Maybe it would be good to have instructions somewhere on the site of how to C&R and take photos with minimal stress on the trout.

troutbert wrote:
Maybe it would be good to have instructions somewhere on the site of how to C&R and take photos with minimal stress on the trout.
4 steps,
1 net the fish
2 if you want to hold the fish for the pic, keep it in the water in a net until you are ready to take a picture
3 wet hands hold fish right behind the gills, not squeezing the gills, take picture
4 release the fish
Note: you should not have to revive the fish, if it needs to be revived, you've done something wrong.
In leau of taking the picture out of the water it's always quickest to take the picture in the water then reach down and take out the hook.
Learning to respect the fish and how to treat it properly is just one more skill learned during the lifetime of the fisherman. Many "anglers" don't fish enough to ever acquire this skill or they feel that man may easily impose his will on the fish, which is true, no doubt, and that he shouldn't overly concern themselves with things such as the lowly well being of a fish. I, obviously, don't feel that way and I do my best to handle every fish with respect and care and to ensure that fish lives.

One time on Honey Creek I saw 2 young men bait fishing in the heat of summer and they landed a rather nice 18" Brown Trout. Well, that Brown Trout was out of the water for at least 2 minutes for photos. I'd be more than willing to guarantee that that was a dead trout, but what am I to do about it?
I see some guides/tackle dealers that post stream reports where they take pictures of 40+ fish days, every single fish. Just seems like a hassle really...
This guy is about the worst I have seen:




Ridiculous to even debate this.
Because there are no cactus around
Dave_W wrote:
Why do people hold fish out of the water for pictures (not to mention countless other scenarios related to fish handling)?

Is it okay if the rocks are wet? What size "rocks" are we talking about? What about air or water temp? What about species or spawning condition? And how did you handle them up to this point: did you lip grip 'em...or squeeze 'em too hard before you put them on the rocks (wet or otherwise)?

In other words....in the final analysis, fish handling is arbitrary. The matter of fish handling is indeed a touchy subject (sometimes literally). This is why we recommend a cease-fire on the forum over the matter of fish handling.

Discussion of touchy subjects like fish handling is okay in the abstract. Just understand....if you call out someone else's fish handling pic, be prepared to receive criticism for you own handling methods.

It's not arbitrary, don't put fish on rocks, period(unless it's table fish). I'm happy to have the discussion about fish handling. I'm happy to listen to someone who "calls me out ", if they know what they are talking about and have good ideas. I'm happy to have a conversation about the way I handle my fish for a picture. If I can change something I do when taking a picture so the fish will have a better chance to survive you would be doing me a disservice by not telling me. There are clearly better ways to land a fish and take a picture than throwing it on a rock. The majority of the people here know this, so I don't get it. This is a great site to educate people and I don't get why this is different. So maybe I went about this the wrong way with this post but it was a serious question.