White River



New member
May 21, 2007
I just picked up a White River 270 8wt and Gold cup reel from Bass Pro shops for a trip down to OBX in June(I hope the blues are still off the beach). I stopped in on a whim and the deal seemed too good to pass up.

Just wondering if anybody has used any of the gear from Bass Pro and what they thought of it?
My wife bought my first flyrod from Bass Pro Shops. It's an 8' 5wt that I was still using right up to my accident. I really love it. The reel that came with it was pretty heavy, but the gear they have out now seems pretty darn good.

Saltwater will put the test on your reel! I don't do any saltwater fishing myself, so I couldn't begin to guess how it would hold up. But I would expect it's worth a try.

BTW - I do use that reel. I matched it up to a bamboo rod and it works great. The extra weight balances the 'boo nicely and it is built like brick sh_thouse.
some of my buddies use bass pro and cableas gear. so far from what i have seen they are worth the $. i myself am partial to the orvis superfine rods , which i bought a battenkill for. i like full flex rods. my next rod will probably be a cabelas full flex. can beat the price and it has the same warranty as orvis. 25 years. the best part is you dont have to mail it. my buddy broke his twice in freak accidents and both times he got a new rod the very same day. you cant beat that!
I have a 9' 9 wt TFO w/ a White River 270 reel for use in salt and for windy days and/or throwing big bugs for bass and muskies. The reel has been very good. It has stood up well to stripers, blues, bass, pike and muskies. After using in salt I rinse off the reel and let it air dry. Drag is good as well. Price was 149 including an extra spool.
I second scotto and want to add that you should take the spool off the reel and soak in warm water for a while. Do that after each use! Dont let it sit overnight. When your ready to go home take the line off and clean the line and reel in the same way.
I bought a 5' 3wt for brookie fishing in the thick brushy streams that ive grown accustom to and so far in 3 trips with it I really like it, makes a 9" brookie feel pretty big. I fished with it on falling springs one time with bwos and it held up real well on those nicer sized fish. I bought it merely because of its size and not because of the brand name, if i were to buy a brand name im quite partial to st croix rods and orvis reels.
So far, the only thing I've bought from Bass Pro that I've been unhappy with are their chemically-sharpened tying hooks. They have the temper of al dente linguini.

I've never owned one of their rods. But my guess would be that most of them are probably manufactured by the same people who make a lot of the lower end rods for places like Cabelas, etc. Places with at least somewhat less suspicious names.

That's the way it is with waders anyway. There are few actual manufacturers and a lot of brands..
I'll second and third Capt Matt's suggestion of rinsing your gear thoroughly after each use. In addition, I'm not sure where in the OBX you;re going but you will want to check out this forum before you go:


Lurk, ask... whatever...but these guys are a wealth of info for that area. Great info...Brian may also have an open date if you ask...but his wife could teach a man with no arms to cast. Enjoy...I don;t get down there until August. make sure you post a report.
Thanks all! I took it out on Marsh Creek Lake and threw some pretty hefty flies and poppers. It had a nice fast action. Didn't really get to test the drag as the largest fish I managed was a 2 lb bass.

I'll be packing up this weekend for the trip to OBX(Corolla area, and hopefully down to Hatteras for a day) and will post a report.

Thanks for the link, looks like some good info!