White Fly video on the Susky (NB)



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
FYI, decent video fishing the white fly hatch on the Susky. the hatch is a few weeks away.

I'm gearing up right now lets go :-D Also if you read the comment section look at the first one what a snob :evil:
Reminded me of drakes on Penns. I noticed the comment as well. People are funny.
Fredrick wrote: "I'm gearing up right now lets go..."

Okay Tweed – let’s do it, but fair warning; dem coal crackers from da valley will chew you up and spit you out like tabacky if you show up wearing your hoity toity Orvis gear.

BTW, too early for white flies. We’ll have to rough it and use buggers, clousers and poppers.

Taday is Toosedee, maybe Frydee the wedder looks better.
I love catching them on the fly rod and never have fished the white mayfly hatch. What size or sizes should be tied up?
fellas....I fished the Sunbury side of the river last Saturday night.......did not bring any white flies with me........

I should have, there were millions and millions of them.....but not much surface activity..........a friend and I stayed on the water until about 945 pm...........

I think I still have a few buried in my ear........it is crazy
Has anyone ever tried this on the back of their flies for fishing past dark?
That guy was quite the snob. I know Joe and he is a great guy!! Super nice! Awesome tyer and angler. Not everyone can go to Allenberry. The susky is close for us I might hook up with my Brother to try it out.

To afishinado: You sound like a native. Er no?

There was an actual tape sold by local Rock 107 about the Valley Lingo. They should sell it again on CD. It's a hoot!

JackM. My brother's wife is jealous that he has more shades of polish than her just for fishing. I'll ask him about the glow stuff.

My brother has not tried the glo polish but says, hey go for it. He has used glo dust and says if you toss your flies in it and put it under a blue light they glo really good in the dark. I'm guessing they sell it at hobby shops.
I fished the "swarm" tonight. I had them emerging on me, my kayak, my extra rod, and anywhere else they could go. The surface activity was decent. I saw some dandies jump, but no big fish surface takers for me. I got 5 on the surface none over 6" and 10 on white streamers and white twisters, two were in the 16-17" range. Funny how anything white and moving stirs them up. Also the pre-hatch fishing was terrible so its a very welcome sight seeing them creating some activity.