white fly size?



Jul 6, 2010
So over the years I will head down to the breeches to fish the whites. I do not catch much most of the time but I really enjoy watching the trout go bonkers over them. One of these years Im going to get my camera equipment out to photo the action. Cant help but think of the great whites off south Africa while watching them.

Now ill finally get to the question. I usually tie them in size 16 to 14 but the fish just want nothing to do with them. I will get lots of looks but just cant get the hook ups. does anyone think perhaps this is to large? Most of the big hatches I dont have so much trouble catching fish but the white flies stump me every year.
If they're like the ones on the Susky, go 12 or 10!
I've always tied mine in #14 and #16 also. Your fly size is likely OK. The big problem with this hatch, is that they come straight out of the water - like a caddis. They don't really ride on the waters surface very long - if it all. The best fishing is when they fall spent - which is usually after dark
Just put on a big fat white deer hair bug and fish for those trout like LM bass. They will adapt.... in theory.
My only comment is that it may be presentation. When fish are going nuts, a lot of people just cast the fly out there and assume some fish will hit it. That is like firing a shot into the middle of a flock of ducks or a covey of quail. You have to pick a target and get the fly right over it. When there are a lot of bugs on the water fish don't have to move much to feed and you may need to hit them on the head. The next step is to get a sense of the fish's rythym and make sure the fly is going over its head at a time it is likely to feed.

However, sometimes there is just too much food and getting a trout to take your fly out of tons of naturals is tough. Fishing is often easier for hatches where not many come off, like March Browns or isos, and the fish will move to get single bugs.