White flies flying?



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
I understand the white flies are on the lower Susky. Yes..no? Anyone fishing or catching?
I was out a few weeks ago on my kayak and saw a few here and there. I'll check the Sheetz signage on the way into work tomorrow morning for signs of the white flies... :-D

I plan on fishing the river next Wednesday morning around Columbia and will let you know what I see!
I' ve been seeing them on the neon sign outside a local bar here in York County for the past month.

I keep telling myself I'm going to bring my camera and get the coolest shot ever, but maybe next weekend.

The bar formerly known as The Driftwood, now Kickin' Kadillac's for the past 8-9 years.
I was on the North Branch around Fall on Sunday PM and saw white flies, cahills and Hexegenia. The fish were taking the Hexes.

I didn't take a temp reading, but the water felt like bathwater, it was so warm! It felt warmer than the air temp and that was around 80+.
Yes they are on in full swing on the lower Susky . I also saw a Hex hatch on the Perk last Fri and carp were rising to them :-D
Fredrick wrote:
Yes they are on in full swing on the lower Susky . I also saw a Hex hatch on the Perk last Fri and carp were rising to them :-D

Didyaketchany? Any SMBs?
Caught one lil SMB that's it
I'm going out again this FRi Morn
Third week in July- just like I said last year. Anyone gonna listen this year???
Salmo.....I have been fishing them since July 9th......Seeing is believing. If you plan to hit them you better head up river near Harrisburg. or above. Its waning at Wrightsville.
I'll be on them soon. Three more days & I'm on a 2 week vacation.
Beware fishes. Wet wading keeps a body cool
I've seen them as early as July 4th. Standing in the river covered in white flies watching the fireworks over the river...

It also depends on location. In some spots the hatch can last over 3 weeks and in others it's concentrated and blows up in less than a week, even over a short relatively short section of river (from Duncannon to Wrightsville).

I was at the river on the 13th and 17th and both days there was a moderate hatch. Almost no fish working, but the water was a little higher than ideal for fishing the hatch. Based on what I observed, I wouldn't make a special trip to fish the hatch if it's long drive for you. I'm only 15 minutes from the river so I might give it one more try. I saw one carp, a couple rock bass and I think one smallie. Missed one rising fish; caught nothing. Not surpised.

Now that it's dropped back down to a more seasonal level the fishing might be better. I've found the fishing is always better if the flow is below 10,000 cfs at Marietta or below 8000 at Harrisburg. Lower is even better.
Yeah the white fly is on. Was still decent just above Millersbug last night but probably on stronger further upriver. They have been on for almost 10 days or more now in that area.
I was on the river for a few hours this morning and saw plenty of exoskeletons floating downriver. Didn't catch anything as usual and the flow is actually pretty decent; up a bit from a few weeks ago. The rain has definitely helped the Susky which in some ways makes it harder for me to fish it. I prefer the lower water where fish have fewer places to hide... :-D

These horny bastards were everywhere:


Nice morning to be on the river at daybreak!

Any updates on the white fly hatch?

What is the usual timing of the hatch on the Juniata River? I'm especially interested in fishing it from Mount Union to Lewistown, and maybe somewhat downstream from Lewistown.
Unless they didn't get fried from the Gas spill I would say they are going on now
White fly's are up here now, heavy
yep. screen door even had a few this morning... can't wait to fish it tonight! Man I love the NB!