Where would you take a 4 year old for their first time fishing?

Ice cream afterwards is also a nice treat and a reward for good behavior.

Back to my suggestion on Kids section of Clarks Creek with the Dauphin County Anglers hatchery, 3B Ice Cream is just up the road. I have sometimes rewarded myself for good behavior after fishing the upper parts of Clarks.
Dear Hobo,

A couple places not mentioned are Swatara Creek anywhere you can get close to the water. There is a park in Hummelstown where you can get on the creeks edge and find some willing and not to discerning panfish and smallmouth.

Fort Hunter Park on N Front Street in Harrisburg might be another place to try. Fishing Creek, not that one, the other one, enters the river at the boat launch. There is quite a bit of bank that can be walked or even sat upon if you watch for goose droppings. I've seen kids catching panfish there quite a few times. If the water is up in the river bass and other fish will cruise in looking for a break from the big water.


Tim Murphy 🙂
Dear Hobo,

A couple places not mentioned are Swatara Creek anywhere you can get close to the water. There is a park in Hummelstown where you can get on the creeks edge and find some willing and not to discerning panfish and smallmouth.
You might even get to see an angry snapping turtle glaring at you along the walking path. Swatara is a great idea for kids.