Where would you go trout fishing?

Can only speak for Montana as a former resident-
The best time is mid sept. to mid Oct.-
The worst time -[if you are looking for memorable fish]-The dog days of august- fortunately for the guides and tourist biz those not familiar with how good it gets in the fall,winter[yes]and spring get excited about 15 to 18 inch fish….The locals who know jest grin and say yep,that's a nicin…
Seriously[and I am-the rockies south of the border[Canadian] are at their low point for trip of lifetime.
bow river, alaska and other places suggested might be a better bet.
Iceland - sea run Browns, Atlantics, and Arctic Char. Bathe in hot mineral springs during downtime and midnight sun in summer
With 43 True Spring Creeks and huge wild trout, New Zeleand would be my first choice. Southern California would be second in hopes of catching my favorite species of trout, the Cali golden trout.
Montana would take 3rd on my list, although I might take AKDan up on his offer and make a trip to Alaska :)