Where to go for wild browns.

Ground water- lime stone/sand stone, old mine shaft, or wetland gravel basal layer of old colluvium forgives many sins
The county line with schuykill has quite a bit of AmD and Ag with still creek/quakkee creek, lizard, and nesqahoning doesn’t it? Tamaqua is the poster child of toxic avenger wild native brook trout. For those afraid of spring creek in harrisburg don’t go fishing in tamqua by the homes canps.
The Elkhorn in WV is a classic example. If they can thrive with human waste being flushed directly into the stream, along with all the other trash, they can survive/thrive anywhere.
I know the Elkhorn well. I always take hand sanitizer and never wet wade that one. The wild browns and bows don't ming running you up under a rolled up submerged carpet there 🤣✌️
some of my largest biggest baddest browns every year are taken in areas that are pretty industrial lookin with old abandoned mills etc.. one particular haunt is the pile of underwater girders and shoppoig carts and a dump site for bricks,,, love it people drive past it to fish more pleasing to the eye areas.. im good with that ..
My son has lived between Harrisburg and Hershey for 2 years. He's caught wild browns in every water he's tried - except for the Letort... he didn't catch anything there but called it a good day when he had one "look at" the fly. He has also caught some very small rainbows, but we can save the wild 'bow discussions for another thread.
My son has lived between Harrisburg and Hershey for 2 years. He's caught wild browns in every water he's tried - except for the Letort... he didn't catch anything there but called it a good day when he had one "look at" the fly. He has also caught some very small rainbows, but we can save the wild 'bow discussions for another thread.
Theres a huge rainbow fingerling stocking operation in lebanon co streams I have heard. Hammer/quittie. Between those two watersheds there are 4-5 private hatcheries/trout ponds on farms alone in those two watersheds. Also if your talking about Indian town gap run that co-op hatchery just leaks hatchery escapees all the time 🥴🤮
Becks has sunoco canisters burried in the soil leaching toxic benzene into the stream and I don’t think sunoco has to date been required to clean that up but couod be wront inhaven’t follwed up on that in a few years. Bachman has massive springs above 322. I have toured a private property up there with a hatchery that has built a hatchery around them. Even kilinger has Trout in believe. Beck has a farm on 322 with a trout harchery built into it as well with a big spring coming out from under a barn. Even becks headwaters up in gretna have springs. Almost bought a house up there with 5 springs on the property that form a trib to beck.
Yea it’ll suprise you. My biggest out of daulphin,skook, lebanon county brook trout comes downstream of a malfunctioning septic, cow s***, people emptying their coal burning stoves into the river, and 7ft high crumbling dirt cliffs.

Becks has sunoco canisters burried in the soil leaching toxic benzene into the stream and I don’t think sunoco has to date been required to clean that up but couod be wront inhaven’t follwed up on that in a few years. Bachman has massive springs above 322. I have toured a private property up there with a hatchery that has built a hatchery around them. Even kilinger has Trout in believe. Beck has a farm on 322 with a trout harchery built into it as well with a big spring coming out from under a barn. Even becks headwaters up in gretna have springs. Almost bought a house up there with 5 springs on the property that form a trib to beck.
Looking upstream at 322, Bachman looks like a freestone trickle. I always thought springs came in downstream from 322. Are they in both spots? Where is Bachman's stocked?
Looking upstream at 322, Bachman looks like a freestone trickle. I always thought springs came in downstream from 322. Are they in both spots? Where is Bachman's stocked?
There is a diesel spring on each side of bachmans that join it at same spot on rover left and river right about a 1/4 mile up bachmans on private land. The owner has mid teens brown trout that eat his harchery escapees. I was up there touring the sunoco pipeline damage its not open to fishing for sure lol.

Each spring is caged and raises large number of fish that fo to quittie and palmyra sportsmans and snitz i think?
Falling spring has a nice mix of wild and stocked, but it’s a bit farther out. Some good suggestions in this thread though
The county line with schuykill has quite a bit of AmD and Ag with still creek/quakkee creek, lizard, and nesqahoning doesn’t it? Tamaqua is the poster child of toxic avenger wild native brook trout. For those afraid of spring creek in harrisburg don’t go fishing in tamqua by the homes canps.

Tamaqua is nice. There's a small bar every 200' and you can meet a tweaker 1 out of 10 people you talk to. They also seem to have an exceptional amount of speed traps when leaving town headed towards Lehighton. It's a pretty cool looking old Pa town but I'm typically in a rush as I pass through.
Little Skook in Tamaqua is not that bad of a stream. Fished it sparingly when i worked near there. It is clean above the Wabash ( AMD ) which confluences at the southern end of town.

A little bit of Ag from Lizard creek but that is way south. Lizard is a decent stocked fishery i hear. Never fished it.

Nesquehoning is a Lehigh trib.

The town of Nesquehoning has more tweakers than tamaqua at about half the population. Still a nice town.