Where to fish Stony creek, Dauphin pa?



New member
Sep 14, 2013
I'm new to this website, and relatively new to fly fishing (2 years experience). I have fished stony creek past the gait in the sgl 5-6x with no success. I enjoy the scenery and the seclusion of Stony, but feel I'm growing tired of arduous, non-productive wading trips.

Does anyone have any suggestions on where to fish in Stony?

Any tips would be appreciated!
Stony is tough. Relies mostly on stocked fish, though there is a small amount of natural repro. I have had many experiences similar to yours. I love the seclusion and beauty, but I have spent many hours pounding beautiful holding spots with no luck at all. If you don't hit the spots where they stocked, it can be a lot of waving a stick in the air for nothin. The times when you do find them though makes for a nice reward for all the hard work.