Where or where should I go?

This is the Crystal River- gravel bottom. I liked the wet wading there.


View from Independence Pass-

Yo acri - nice pix! Sorry we didn't get to link up last summer. I take it you're not getting back out there this summer? BTW, what do you mean about the Pan being 'to pushy a wade?'

Bo - I like the SPlatte, and if you are stuck close to Denver or the Springs, it is a great option. But I love the Pan. There is also small water above the camp just above the dam.
Hey Les-

Maybe I caught it when they released some water. It was pretty swift the two days I was near. Perhaps I caught a bad day or two- I'm usually a pretty aggressive wader but after so long my knees were sore. Great area.

No west this year - at least I don't think so. That young kid Jay told me a story he got pulled over or did something dumb with you in the vehicle. He's starting to grow up. He's got a custom RO now. Maybe see him again next year. Ha.
Yo acri - USGS is my friend. Everytime I've done the Pan, about a dozen times, it's been pretty tame. But then I avoid the big releases.

Glad you caught up with JayL - he's doing well there on the Gallatin and it is always wonderful to see buds having a good life. He's an uncommonly talented ffisherman.

Not sure what you mean by his new custom RO?
RO drift boats made in Bozeman

The Aspen area was on my way for my native trout trip last year. Just driving around without a plan except for the natives in Conjeos Valley and Big Thompson in RMNP
Crystal River looks like the White Stone in NZ, great water. GG
Lestrout and A-kid,

Thanks for the input guys, I appreciate the insight. A-Kid, great photos. I wasn't going to fish the Fork above Aspen, but I think I will now! Thanks again!

Thanks to all who helped me make a success of this trip. When my trip to YNP got canceled I was pretty bummed. Redirecting to Basalt to fish the Pan was a great move; I really took lemons and made lemonade.

There is another thread in the fly fishing locations forum on Basalt where I posted pics and brief report. Here is the link.

Thanks again everyone!
