Where do you shop?

I agree with most of what Tom said, especially about cabelas and the like being more expensive, the cheap prices there are the only reason i do occasionally shop there. I have never noticed higher prices in SC than other shops around the state that i have stopped in, but i am not the most observant shopper. On the other hand, yes the shop in Spruce Creek was a little more, but i will gladly pay a little more to Allen in light of the fact that he played a key role in the Spring Ridge lawsuit.
MKern wrote:
I have also seen items over priced that are supposed to be a set price from the wholesaler. ex. Whiting 100's @ $16, when whiting sets the max price at $14; and St. Croix Products. If these companies new this they could pull thier products off the shelves and cancel those dealers.

They could, but they would likely be losing thier biggest accounts. Vendors can "request" that thier merchandise be sold at a particular price...but demanding it gets into price fixing issues.
reds wrote:
On the other hand, yes the shop in Spruce Creek was a little more, but i will gladly pay a little more to Allen in light of the fact that he played a key role in the Spring Ridge lawsuit.

Except that is not the issue...Its those kinds of reasons that ANYONE buys anything at those places. Its the people and the stake they have in the local waters and their knowledge and willingness to share those kinds of things that I do buy stuff from shops when I can. But I was working on a prices only mindset in the post. Mkern said larger retailers are more expensive. That statement alone is all I based my post on.
Tom, I was not attacking your statement. Only stating why i am willing to pay him more, even more than i pay in SC. Also, the main reason a lot of people buy stuff at his shop is that they do not realize they need it until they are there and he is the nearest place to buy something once on the lil j. As i said in my original post i agreed with most of what you said except that i did not think SC was any more expensive than anywhere else.
A fly shop at a destination stream should sell its sundry items, including tied flies, slightly above market and its big ticket items, such as rods and reels as well as its fly tying material, at or below market. I expect to pay a bit more for a convenience item and don't mind it.
reds, I didn't take it as such. You had just brought up an part of the discussion that I hadn't taken into consideration and I just wanted to make that clear.

the way Jack said it makes sense. Cabelas and the like are places where, if you pay attention, you can get a really good deal. Shop's prices don;t tend to vary much, at least in season.

Like many here, I prefer the local shops. FFP is a clear #1 for me, I do as much shopping as I can there, especially for the big stuff. Those guys have never steered me wrong, and have often steered me right even when it results in less money for them. And even though I no longer live close to them, they're mail order stuff comes in sensational time.

But yeah, when I visit somewhere, especially a new stream or one I haven't been to in a while, I'll visit the local shop to mine some information and buy some general supplies to show my appreciation.

I prefer not to shop at the big box stores because I want to support the local shops, but if I'm in there buying something else and see a superb deal I just can't pass it up. This fall I bought a steelhead rod from Cabelas, a Sage FLi 7 wt for around $100 on clearance because Sage discontinued that model. You just can't touch that anywhere.
Another vote for FFP - IMO one of the finest fly shops in the country. In recent years I get most of my stuff from Yellow Breeches Outfitters in part because I've had a rewarding business relationship with them for 15 years and they are my "home" fly shop. I will hit the big box stores for certain items I can't find at the local fly shop. Almost all my rod building stuff comes from Cabelas.