When is it appropriate to fish? or not?

Yo concerning Tim, he genuinely is IGNORANT on this subject. I mean that in the real context of the word. He genuinely lacks knowledge here, which is exactly why he asked the questions he asked. I think the heat he got in the other thread took him off guard, he really was under the impression that the water was OK to fish. I know him personally. He has no interest in causing harm to trout and doing damage to the systems others have worked hard to build. So in other words, lets' all just CALM DOWN.

On top of it, why WOULD he question the dangers of fishing a stream when he shows up at one and sees a bunch of DTU guys fishing it? I think that part irritates me more than anything. Tim's choice to fish it was based on limited knowledge. I doubt that's the case for the DTU guys.
Nobody really jumped on Tim until his rather emotional response to jdaddys "thanks DTU" comment.
Alright well, I can't speak about all that. I just hope that this thread is seen for what it is; a genuine inquiring about when its appropriate to fish for trout. I like Jdaddy (he has given me some great advice during the short time I've been around here, as well as a few laughs), I like Tim Robinson, and I think gfen is freaking hilarious. I don't mean to step into a conflict and try to play Jimmy Carter, I just want Tim's post to be seen as genuine. My fear was after the last thread, it might be taken as sarcasm or snarkiness.
I think its all good. I'm sure we've all taken turns firing each other up. Especially when we are new to everything. Why do u think I joined this site so long ago but only started posting this year? Lol
I think this thread has trended perfectly fine with nothing carried over. I think that the couple of charts I put up kind of show the "sustained elevated" temp issue and the link to the thread from earlier this year is really good.
Nice. Now I feel like the Kool Aid Man, slightly embarrassed!

I love that Kool-Aid man scene. Thank you.