When did you begin fly tying?

I think I got my first kit on Christmas of 2005. Back in 1966 when Ed started tying, I was -17. (figured I'd throw a jab in there)

All self taught, and have taught a few people along the way. I started tying about 6 months after getting into fly fishing. Probably fished for 6 months after that with a few bought flies, but can't remember the last fly I fished that I didn't tie or someone tied for me (swap mainly).
delta_dog wrote:
Heritage-Angler wrote: 1966.

Ed your as old as dirt. :-D . It was 1986 for me.
Hey, wait a minute, I resemble that remark. Ed and I are the same age. We both share the same first name too. Like Ed said to me yesterday "two Ed's are better than none" LOL. I started tying flies 9 years ago but caught my first trout when I was six. Yes you guessed it, 1966!
In the summer of 1982 I began fly fishing with some purchased flies. As soon as I encountered the Trico hatch in the Lehigh Valley the next season, I looked at the spinner pattern and couldn't fathom paying the going price. So I bought a vise and started tying my own.

lv2nymph wrote;

"Thanks, sounds like you've been tying just longer than I've been on the earth"

Now that's a little scary. Luckily for me I have perfect vision when I tie and actually take my glasses off!

The picture of the two rainbows was taken when I was in my early 20's.


  • Back in the old days.jpg
    Back in the old days.jpg
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  • Rainbow at island.jpg
    Rainbow at island.jpg
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Good for you, lately when I tie I've got to put glasses on :-( Turning 50 in October. Cool pics btw.
Youve been tying longer than my dad has been on this earth :), I was born in 91` my Dad in 66', been tying since 06
Some people just gotta come along and rub it in. :p Dang young bucks.
When I started Fly Fishing.

Those are some classic pictures. Good stuff. Thanks for sharing them with us.
1966, my dad was only 5. I started maybe 3 or 4 years ago. First fly I tied that caught a fish was a Zebra midge. Catching fish on my own ties is very rewarding. But I get more enjoyment watching my friends catch fish on flys I have tied.
1974 - learned from my dad on the old Thompson whiz wheel model A. Mickey Finn was my first pattern. I still have the vise (retired) and the fly(!).
Had to be sometime in the 60s a good friend showed me his "new hobby" we were both pretty dang young i'd say somewhere between 5 and 7 years old , a state trooper friend of my buddies father showed him and then he showed me....somewhere between 1962 and 1965.......hooked 4 life.
I started tying my own flies back in 1973. A friend got me started fly fishing and when I went back to him for some more flies he said I was going to have to tie my own or buy them.....
Started tying in 1966.
I started tying in 2005.
It's been five or six years since I started tying. Fished hard in other ways for a half a decade. Winter would find me with a bucket of minnies at Brunners.

Started tying at the BPS in Harrisburg. Bobby Clouser and the crew run a fantastic (free) mid-winter tying clinic. This isn't an ad, but they've been quietly adding to our ranks every year.
42 yrs for me. My Dad got involved with FF I got started when I was 12. Thanks to my Dad. I was really lucky dad always had time for me.
