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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
Why not take a break and come back in 120 sec

I don't want to take a break, if I take a break I won't be back.
Chaz, that was implimented when we were under threat of spamming because of contoversy. It would help slow down the damage that could be done by one or more posters trying to inundate the board with malicious or inane posts. Dave may decide to lift the limitation in the future, but 120 seconds is better than 300, which was the original limitation he placed. Be patient.
by Chaz on 2007/9/11 22:34:38
Why not take a break and come back in 120 sec

I don't want to take a break, if I take a break I won't be back.

120 seconds is two minutes....

Chaz, that was implimented when we were under threat of spamming because of contoversy. It would help slow down the damage that could be done by one or more posters trying to inundate the board with malicious or inane posts.

Well, it looks like its working. :-D
Well why shouldn't I be able to go back in a post a message or edit a post without having to wait, or post a new message in another thread? Another message I've been getting is this one about a forum not being selected, which is bull tish, because you have to select a forum to post.