whats the wierdest?

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
  • Start date
troutbert wrote:
While doing our spring cleanup with our TU chapter I found a $5 bill laying on the ground. You never know what you're gonna get.
That reminded me: Several years ago we took a paid rafting trip down the Lehigh. It was unfortunately during a bad drought, and not much of a float. I was looking over the side of the raft in about 3 feet of water in the middle of the stream and amazingly caught sight of a $1 bill laying there. So I dove in and struggled (wearing a PFD) to get to it, and came up waving the bill. The people in the raft didn't know what the heck I was doing. Just doing my part to clean up litter!
jayL wrote:
Yeah, my student loan officer called me on that phone...

Damn. I didn't think they knew how to find ya on the trout stream. there goes that idea.

I was riffin' on a Stephen Wright joke (probably his longest joke)
I got into an elevator at work and this man followed in after me...I pushed '1' and he just stood there...I said 'Hi, where you going?' He said, 'Phoenix.' So I pushed Phoenix. A few seconds later the doors opened, two tumbleweeds blew in...we were in downtown Phoenix. I looked at him and said 'You know, you're the kind of guy I want to hang around with.' We got into his car and drove out to his shack in the desert. Then the phone rang. He said 'You get it.' I picked it up and said 'Hello?'...the other side said 'Is this Steven Wright?'...I said 'Yes...' The guy said 'Hi, I'm Mr. Jones, the student loan director from your bank...It seems you have missed your last 17 payments, and the university you attended said that they recieved none of the $17,000 we loaned you...we would just like to know what happened to the money?' I said, 'Mr. Jones, I'll give it to you straight. I gave all of the money to my friend Slick, and with it he built a nuclear weapon...and I would appreciate it if you never called me again.
I got my worst find out of the way a few years ago. Found a guy who shot himself in the head with a .38, must of happened not long before I found him. What made it worse, it happened on my birthday .
Better that I found him instead of some kids playing along the lake shore.
John :-(
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
ok here might be something fun. i hit a differnt wild trout stream everyday this week. on one stream i hiked into the woods about 40 minutes and while i was fishing this little tiny stream there was a tire along the stream bank. i find it hard to belive that someone hiked back 40 minutes to drop off a tire! now i know most of us are conservation minded anglers who always :roll: when we see litter along the stream. what is the wierdest trash,litter, or anything you have seen in the middle of no where.

heres my list for this week:

3. mini fridge
2. (dirty) magazine ....no joke
and drum roll please.....
1. matress
need a nap while you fish?

those were mine whats yours?

I dont think I would take a nap on that. chances are if it was found in the woods or by a stream, that matress was used for other reasons than sleeping
jpavoncello wrote:
I got my worst find out of the way a few years ago. Found a guy who shot himself in the head with a .38, must of happened not long before I found him. What made it worse, it happened on my birthday .
Better that I found him instead of some kids playing along the lake shore.
John :-(

Wow that is harsh. I saw something similar last year on a city street and still can not get the image outta my mind. Sorry you had to see that.
ya man that is horrible! :-o ok you might win this contest
My discovery hasn't been the worse I've seen, by far. I've been a press photographer for 20 years and have seen things that just shouldn't happen to people.
Honestly, finding the guy dead didn't bother me as much as finding out he left behind 4 kids and a wife.
But I do hope that none of you folks ever come across something like that.
If you had Sal's mattress and mini fridge full of cold ones and Bruno's naked rock climber all in one place at the same time you'd have the makin's for a pretty good little party.
A buddy and me were fishing for natives on a small tributary of Mountain Creek in Pine Grove Furnace State park. I was about a mile from any road and DCNR was clearing the forest. One of the men jumped out of the bachoe, ran over by the stream about 25ft. in front of me, and pulled down his pants. I did not see what he left by the stream that day, but I have a good idea given the fact he had a handful of toilet paper.