whats the wierdest?

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
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Active member
Sep 9, 2006
ok here might be something fun. i hit a differnt wild trout stream everyday this week. on one stream i hiked into the woods about 40 minutes and while i was fishing this little tiny stream there was a tire along the stream bank. i find it hard to belive that someone hiked back 40 minutes to drop off a tire! now i know most of us are conservation minded anglers who always :roll: when we see litter along the stream. what is the wierdest trash,litter, or anything you have seen in the middle of no where.

heres my list for this week:

3. mini fridge
2. (dirty) magazine ....no joke
and drum roll please.....
1. matress
need a nap while you fish?

those were mine whats yours?

Bunch of random pottery scattered
A buddy and I went rock climbing one day in the vicinity of dunbar creek. The place we were going to requires a 45min hike into the state game lands. When we got there were we did a climb and when we topped out we came upon a woman that was all geared up to climb except one thing. Except for her harness and rack ( climbing lingo for protection ) she was butt nekkid. She had a guy photographing her. To make it even stranger I had met her a couple of weeks before. Another buddy of mine showed up at a party with her. I never knew that people were into rock climbing porn but I guess it takes all kinds.
There was a chair and ottoman in the little lehigh for a few weeks last year. Right in the middle of the stream.
I guess someone thought it was nice spot to sit and relax. And put their feet up.
The old full sized backhoe in the headwaters of Rausch Creek was pretty impressive. It was from the old mining days when the mountain was deforested, then the trees grew back around it. I'm sure there have been wierder, but that one comes to mind first.

well its not litter but, bruno might win this one. thats messed up! :-( :-o
I was in Shenandoah national park and had hiked about two miles in when I came accross an old model A truck that was completely surrounded by old growth trees. Its not that weird but I was a little perplexed as to how it got that far into such a dense forest.
Dear Wmass,

Maybe the truck was there because Grandpa Walton got all liquored up on the Baldwin sister's recipe and tried to take the shortcut home down the Rockfish River?

If you don't remember the TV show "The Walton's" you won't know what I'm talking about but maybe another old fart who reads the board will understand. :-D

Tim Murphy :)
Hiked up Dunbar Cr. to Glade Run and found an old car jack. No nude models, just a car jack.
Yah TIM, I remember the Waltons. I honestly stared at the damn truck for a good five minutes wondering how it got all the way down such a steep hill (45 degrees at some points) and was not surrounded by old growth. I was thinking that almost 100 years ago that area was probably getting clear cut and there was a logging road there.... Nice to see that the forest can come back to grow around the truck.
Once on hay creek, there was a payphone standing right in the middle of the stream. I waded out and hung my vest on it... caught a few fish before me and some people carried it out. It was nice to rest the old back while fishing a bit I guess. :-\
jayL wrote:
Once on hay creek, there was a payphone standing right in the middle of the stream.

Yeah, my student loan officer called me on that phone...
CaptMatt wrote:
Was the girl good lookin?

Yes but very very very weird. I remembered that the climbing area is called ROb's Knob
Capt Matt
There are not too many 300 pound hosebeasts that can ascend a rock. The subset of people wanting to photograph a 300 pound hose beast ascending a rock neckid is probably alot smaller.

I bet Dunbar would take the cookie for strange things discarded in the woods.

Why once I found a 1993 rusty cherokee parked by the stream....then I remembered that it was mine.
ryanh wrote:
Capt Matt
There are not too many 300 pound hosebeasts that can ascend a rock. The subset of people wanting to photograph a 300 pound hose beast ascending a rock neckid is probably alot smaller.

Doesnt mean shes good looking. Ever heard of a butter face? Besides, that Dunbar water has been known to give people super human strength, even 300 pounders. :lol: Plus its very close to Pechins so a man wanting to photograph a 300 pound woman is not out of the ordinary.
Bruno wrote:
Except for her harness and rack ( climbing lingo for protection )

I'm glad you cleared that up.
Last year I ran into a older man fishing the "J" with nothing but a speedo on. I could see where he keep his spinners.

Couple years ago I was hiking up a path do some fishing and came across a couple doing it about 20 feet off the path. It must have been good because them never seen me walking through.

As for the trucks in the middle of nowhere. check out what's in the bed. Where I lived in Virginia, those southern boys would plate their pot plantes in the bed of those old truck.
While doing our spring cleanup with our TU chapter I found a $5 bill laying on the ground. You never know what you're gonna get.
Yeah, my student loan officer called me on that phone...

Damn. I didn't think they knew how to find ya on the trout stream. there goes that idea.