What's in the 'frac' fluid???

wgMiller...........i'd never shoot ya buddy but i might nudge you a little. To satisfy my own curiosity , is there anything drilling wise going on down there in the Mount Joy area? I'm pretty familiar with that area , i used to live in Elizabethtown and have Friends that moved from Johnstown to Mount Joy , god , it's got to be close to 30 years ago. My brother in law and one of my close friends got a job at Pennsylvania Malleable Foundry , they were both laid off Bethlehem Steel employees who later worked in Steelton. Donegal Springs Creek is where i cut my teeth fly fishing.
has everything in it except eye of newt!!
I don't think I'd try drinking it, nor do I want it pumped past my well.
just read in the TU magazine that residents of some town in wyoming can't drink their water, and they are supposed to shower with the window open so they don't explode!! oh yeah, that sounds great. article says investigation is ongoing to determine if fracing is the cause.
bikerfish wrote:

just read in the TU magazine that residents of some town in wyoming can't drink their water, and they are supposed to shower with the window open so they don't explode!! oh yeah, that sounds great. article says investigation is ongoing to determine if fracing is the cause.

Ya, and the EPA is highly involved in this investigation so it is slightly less likely to get swept under a rug than a state investigation would be.
I read that article too. just a head shaker...The EPA seems to be using the Chromium 6 card to distract itself from the Marcellous elephant in the room.
