What Was I Fishing or Thinking Today.



Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
I guess I could have posted this under the topic of What Are You Tying Today, but I think it is more aptly put under the subject of What Was I Fishing or Thinking Today…well actually what was I fishing on Thursday.

I fished a well known large creek, stream, river, or whatever you want to call it on Thursday, from about 7:00am to just past 5:00pm, with only a brief time off for lunch around noon. The water was low, as was just about everything in PA then, but it was in nearly perfect shape otherwise, and I caught LOTS of trout. But, I had to work for them most of the day.

I fished wets and drys, sometimes with a single fly, and sometimes in a 2 fly combination, and caught fish on just about everything I put on, except nothing wanted my March Brown wet or emerger patterns. Most of the flies I saw were caddis anyway, so it ultimately came down to me fishing a #16 Parachute Adams, which is my favorite fly anyway.

However, sometime in the middle of the afternoon, after I accidentally broke my fly when trying to release a fish, I reached in my fly box and pulled out a differently tied #16 Parachute Adams that had a shorter tail and much larger hackle than I normally tie that fly with. What was I thinking when I tied that fly? I musta been half asleep!

Anyway, when I said earlier that I had to work most of the day to catch fish, it wasn’t the case after I tied on that oversized Parachute Adams. The fish seemed to really like it! Who knows why, but I’m thinking that while the normal sized #16 Adams is a good caddis representation, maybe one with a shorter tail and larger hackle is an even better representation. Who knows for sure, but it sure did work. (I never saw many caddis with tails anyway 😊 but the oversized hackle could easily be mistaken for fluttering or spent wings.)


P.S. They also float better.
I'll tie my parachutes with obnoxiously big hackles, too. Other than not looking pretty to me, the fish like em.
Thats a great low riding caddis. Why not? I like the little bubble caddis pattern which rides low on water.
Charles Meck said if you could get just a cigar shaped body to float even with no hackle it would catch fish.