What type of sole do you use for your wading boots? Poll



Jan 9, 2008
Tell us what you use and if there is any specific reason for your selection.
Good old felt for me. I can think of a few places where spikes would help, but felt covers 90 per cent or more.
Felt with studs. I love them. Regular old felts weren't cutting it at the salmon river, so I got a studded pair. I wore them a few times in PA and found that I like them. They are great for stepping on slimy wet logs and whatnot to climb up a steep bank, and I never slip in the stream around these parts.
Felt with studs also.

I tend to fish more in larger waters with slimy rocks.
felt with studs - great grip, but considering studded aquastealth in order to do my part to decrease the spread of invasive organisms.
I am assuming by rubber you mean Aquastealths. I love the studded Aquastealth soles.
It only took one day on Penns with rubber soles to convince me that felt with studs are the way to go. I have two pairs, one Orvis and one Korkers. I went on a trip and forgot my wader bag so two pairs of wading shoes and two pairs of waders.
I have these...

Orvis Ultra light wading shoe
Felt just because I didn't really think I need studs. I don't really know how great these are because of winter I've only been out once in the past two months. And got skunked and discouraged. But they were comfortable for the one trip
went out west with my felt and was falling over the place, extremely slippery rocks. had a blow out and had to buy a new pair. only thing i could find in my size were chota studded felt. WOW i was able to run on those same rocks without falling. never went back. now i also hve the korkers with interchangable soles. nice to be able to chnge for conditions, especially for winter fishing, not having snow builod up on the felts or to walk in with rubber luga and fish with studs.
Felt, but when I keep in my truck during the winter months (especially in erie) the strap on stud sandal type things.
In the 90's (while in college taking Hydrology and Hydrogeology), I had a pair of felt hip waders. They rotted out by the late 90's. When I went to purchase a pair of waders and boots (I was told to by them seperately), I was also told to get the rubber soled boots because of the "whirling (sp?) disease" that affect the fish. I was told that the felt bottoms absorb the disease and you can contaminate another unaffected stream.

Maybe I'm wrong, but this is what I was told to do a few years ago.
Dear rscheckler,

You didn't have the choice, all of the above so I didn't really answer the poll.

I use felt, studded felt, and studded Aquastealth. Of the three I use the studded Aquastealth most often followed by the studded felt. I find that studs are required for sure footing on most of the streams that I fish and really only use the plain felts when float tubing or wading in a lake.

Tim Murphy :)
Felt, but thinking of trying the Aquasheaths.

Depends on the stream, but it's either studded felt or studded Aquastealth.
been wearing the aquastealths (simms l2) and they are OK. lately in SE PA we've been getting the ground warm up from the sun and soften the upper layers making mud on ice. i've landed on my *** three times in the last two weeks. I even sprained my neck from doing so (hurt for like three days) - i'm getting old. anyway - i'm putting screws in the boots and never not using studs no matter what. even in boulder fields - there may be a slight slip with the studs on dry rocks they always catch.
also have orvis battenkill felt studded. for the money, simms flet studded freestones are the best boot on the market ($110)
i just had orvis gift certs last time i got new boots.
felt for local streams and most of trout season

Simms guide boot ----- studded aquastealth for winter steelhead / salmon............also wear them when snow is on the ground
I have korkers so I switch out for different situations. Usually though just the felt sole in the summers and either rubber or rubber cleated in the winter.

....A bad day fishing is better than a good day working!!!
Right now I've got felt with studs. My next pair will more than likely be Aquastealth with studs.
I have Simms Guides; one pair studded felts, and one pair studded Aquastealth. I really liked the Aquastealth better than the felts, and then two years ago, I installed additional tungsten studs on the Aquastealth, and NOW do I have a pair of great boots. The tungsten studs which Simms sells are screw heads, whereas the original studs in the boots were small pins. The additional screw heads did the trickl.