What type of fly is your favorite to fish with?

For me dries are first. I think most people who came to fly fishing was attracted to it because of dry fly fishing. For me streamers are a close second, but thats for all types of fish not just trout. I just feel most confident using them and I know I can entice a lot of fish on them. Nymphs are next as I get more and more into fly fishing I've really started to see the benefits to nymphing and I can say I thoroughly enjoy it. After that emergers, wets, and midges can all be grouped at the same level. There really isnt a method I've tried that I don't like.
4 to 1, not sure really. Who is? All I can say is nymphing pays the bills.
I love to fish dries, but as Aristic said, nymphs usually bring home the bacon. When the flows are low to moderate, I rig a dry with a nymph dropper (or two) to fish both top and bottom. I modify some dry fly patterns to make them “indicator” flies for that purpose. I modify them to make them more floatable and/or visible on the water. The main problem with using a dry fly as an indicator is that you can’t adjust the depth of the nymph. I usually add or subtract a second weighted fly below a single dropper to adjust for depth. It works well. A dry/dropper(s) is my go-to rig for prospecting in the summer and fall. Just remember to minimize your false casting, and open up your loops, when casting multiple flies. On a good day, I will catch fish both on top and bottom.