What to do during a thunderstorm when fishing a stream.

How age changes a man! Trout bite when water is on the rise. Remember it. When younger, rain meant, go fishing.

Now caught in a storm, i stand under a tree. Rainy day means stay home and tie flies, run the sweeper, stay in bed, or wish i was 20 years younger so i could pound the hell out of em!

Maxima Dry!
maxima12 wrote:
Keep Fishing, you can see me, a you tube post, brief but there!

Kettle Creek Tornado Leidigh, by Barry Kegg.

met some nice fellows at Kettle Creek, Clair and Bill. Hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill over the years. We always seemed to meet again after the first, meet by coincidence. Brothers in arms. I was lucky to have met, cream of the crop, road workers, who lived to the tradition of "Helping Hand".

No one could ever imigine what would follow, in the coming years.

Well, this video, will show in short, life of a fisherman.

Buy the way, Park Rangers said it would be a month before we got out, Bill and Clair and the six of us, 2 days and heading home.

Winston Churchill, brothers if you ever find this! Love you guys. Wish you the very best, from your pal, hot dog Johnny!

look at 1:58

Brad, a tornado came up West Branch Road several years back. Maybe more than I remember. Was this the same storm? We were at our cabin and scared sh1tless.