What the heck is low-holing?



Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
Afish used the term "low-hole" as a term that describes a particular type of angler behavior. What is it?
Beats me, but I never heard of a waste pack either.
Like high hole except from behind :-D
Mike, its a less than flattering term associated with drift boat fishing. When a group of angler are anchored on one or more fish, an approaching boat steers clear to not disturb their fish. As the second boat is about to over take the anchored boat, They sometimes lift anchor and drop down river. Or the passing boat will anchor directly below first boat. Thus "Low Holing" becomes the oar powered equilivant of road rage.

Thus the phase. "That SOB in the red clacka low holed me the whole way from Balls Eddy to Buckingham."

Anchored boats are generally given the right of way and boats underway pass on one side or another depending on which side the guys are fishing on.

Equally frustrating is the high hole method.

In fishing, just like other aspects of life, respect and courtesy can be damn hard to come by sometimes.
I don't think this has to be reserved for boating. I think that he was also implying when people move up from downstream to directly below the "hole" or water that you're fishing, so much so that they are basically casting over your line and crowding you out.
Mike wrote:
Afish used the term "low-hole" as a term that describes a particular type of angler behavior. What is it?

There were some good explanations above. I actually use it in a generic sense as to when a guy or guys crowd you out on a stream, especially when the stream is wide open and someone chooses to fish in your back pocket. Sorta like what happened to this guy>

afishinado wrote:
Mike wrote:
Afish used the term "low-hole" as a term that describes a particular type of angler behavior. What is it?

There were some good explanations above. I actually use it in a generic sense as to when a guy or guys crowd you out on a stream, especially when the stream is wide open and someone chooses to fish in your back pocket. Sorta like what happened to this guy>
That ad was hilarious!! :lol:
Told this several times before-fishing alone on Madison-walked in far enough to be by myself-or so I thought-two guys came along-saw me,figured I might know something-one went in right above me-one right below-guess they figured I had a hot spot-about a 1/2 mile from anyone else-pissed me off-since I was packing[snake gun] I got out and started fishing right below the lower one-we were all fishing downstream.
He hollered at me-"where in the hell are you from?" I said Bozeman- He misunderstood - and said-
"New Jersey,well that figures". best laugh I ever had fishing- couldn't believe they thought I was the rude AH-they didn't I'm sure,just figured I was out numbered [and out gunned] I wasn't so fortunately they didn't push it but moved on....
Fond memories--
Aint nearly as funny as, shortly after moving to Ohio, someone asked me if I wanted to play corn hole.

... play what?

Turns out it is very popular in Ohio.
"Low-holing" is something the cool kids say on the internet.

For the win! ^
If there are two or more anglers you can perform the notorious "Jersey Block" where you squeeze an angler both upstream and down. Frequently used on the Salmon R.
Isn't that a golf term?
It's another word for "Prostate Check"
Its also a nuisance when swinging flies for steelhead. If traveling upstream, you'll walk to the head of the run to be able to swing down through. This also means willingly walking right past the juiciest part of the run so that you can ease down into it. Low holing would be when you are working your way down from the top and someone hops in right below you to hit the most prime water.
Getting low-holed by a bear...
