What Midge Patterns to Use Cree On?


Active member
Dec 14, 2008
I picked up a Whiting Cree saddle that is midge size. No, I don’t know why it did it, other than its cool.

Any ideas for potential uses / patterns for it for trout?

Thought I would start here before I expanded my search.
The best use I ever found for cree hackle was the old Atherton #5 dry fly. For a long time, it was one of my 3-4 most reliable dries. I don't think I ever fished one smaller than a #16, but it is a pretty sure bet they would be effective well down into the midge size range. Omit the wood duck wing (or not) and omit the rib and tie it as a hare's ear/cree midge.

That's one idea anyway

Prob work for red quill , mosquitoes ,ginger quill , elk hair caddis just about anywhere you would use med to dark ginger ,brown or grizz is worth a try
It's always been my opinion exact match of hackel colors is considerably more important when selling flys.
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cree looks good on the skin but when wrapped around a hook shank the coloration disappears. at least to my aging eyes 👁️👁️
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Cree was the original hackle for the Adams parachutes. It's all I use and it's much easier than tying two different hackles that most Adams call for today!
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Cree would work great on a Griffiths Gnat.


I have a freind named Allen who tied some Griffith's Gnats with Cree and they were a huge hit with the fish, maybe out-fishing plain grizzly or I wanted to believe it regardless...

As a sideways tribute to Al Miller of Al's Rat fame and as a tribute to my friend Al, I started calling the Cree version of the Griffith's Gnat, Al's Gnat.
Cree hackle is good for Adams, March Brown, and Elk Hair caddis.

And for Green Drake, with the addition of light ginger hackle.

If you want a REALLY simple dry fly for brook trout fishing, just wrap cree hackle the length of the hook shank and tie off. Done.
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