What kind of Fish???



Mar 4, 2012
So i was out on the Neshannock today and i was nymphing. threw a cast upstream and thought i had a snag. could not get it loose so i walked up to where my line was and slowlystarted to pull it up. to my suprise there was a fish on the line!!! it didnt even budge as i tried to yank the line loose. it then just gradually swam downstream and hid under a big boulder where i could not pull it out. i tried to pull as hard as i could until i finally popped the hook out. what kind of fish was this??? didnt get a good enough look at it when i pulled it up. Catfish possibly? i was using a small black stone fly
Carp get really big too.

You definately saw a fish? I once hooked a big snapper I couldn't budge. I also accidentally hooked a beaver once on the WB of the DE. And once a snake grabbed a chub I had hooked.

There's all kinds of critters in our waters.
I hooked a muskrat once , had him right under the chin , he climbed the far bank and started up the hill into the thick rose bushes , so i put some side pressure on him and he turned , he then grabbed the line inhis front paws and bit the leader off.
my vote goes towards carp.. i've seen my fair share of big carp in the neshannock. Especially upstream towards Mercer
lots of big carp and suckers in there. If your fly was broken off I could have put my hat in for a pike, but since it was just tossed I'll go with the former.
It's a large whatchamacallit? They give a hell of a fight and you never get them to shore or in your net.
haha im pretty sure i saw a fish but it is possible it could have been a snapper. i have seen quite a few suckers and carp on the river. just thought i would share the story. one of the weirdest things that has happened to me