What kind is this?



May 27, 2015
Can you ID this for me. Small hatch this morning. I'm new at this.
Looks to be a trico.
There was a trico hatch for sure. These ones looked bigger than the others so I thought they were different. One sex larger than the other?
I agree with Jack, it sure appears to be a Trico. There is always the possibility of seeing some midges coming off along with a Trico spinnerfall. Many of the midges are smaller than the Tricos.
Takem wrote:
There was a trico hatch for sure. These ones looked bigger than the others so I thought they were different. One sex larger than the other?

With Tricos, the size of the males and females are the same, about the size of a #24 hook. The males are all black, like in your pic. The females have a lighter colored abdomen, usually creamish olive in color.

Tricos have large wings for the size of their bodies and often look bigger than they really are flying and on the water. As dc410 posted above, there may have been midges hatching at the same time.
Here it is enlarged and cropped:


  • Trike.jpg
    7.4 KB · Views: 8
It's a trico, no doubt about it. Male. Spinner.
Much appreciated. I bet any small fly with some white on it would of did well yesterday. Those little rainbows were ferocious.