what it means to me

I've been fly fishing for 11 years now I may have started out by throwing bass and bluegill flies in canada to now throwing size 24s at rising trout, it has all come full circle. This year I truly realized what fly fishing means to me. Last year I was in college and fly fishing was my relaxation time away from classes, parties, and the stress of writing a paper at 2am after going out. Now Im in a full time job and time is much less abundant for fishing. My trout numbers are half of what they were last year, but I realized something... I could care less about numbers anymore. Yesterday I took a day off work to go chasing wild trout in the middle of a state forest. The highlights of my day were seeing a black bear in an area that black bear aren't that plentiful and catching a 15" wild brown in a stream that I've never seen one over 12". I've had 100 fish days on several occassions in this area but yesterday due to low water I caught far less, but it really didn't bother me because I was at peace, enjoying what I love to do. So for me every has come full circle and the old saying really is true, a bad day fishing beats a good day at work, but for me there is no such thing as a bad day fishing.
Dear Board,

This turning out to be a good thread afterall. Many of us have a lot more in common than we let on at times.

Carry on.

Oh, to Big Dave,

Imagine what we would be like if we never smoked weed? We'd be what, 13 feet tall? :-D

Tim Murphy 🙂
Now that i think about it, 7'4" would be just about the perfect height for my weight. I keep saying i am too short for my weight.