what is your strangest catch to date?

Black Lab; we were able to catch here and remove my fly
Bat on a Sulphur hatch- Spring Creek
Casio wrist watch- Little Lehigh (still running btw)
Snapping turtle in a tiny fishing hole (I was very young)
Sea gull, more than once
Bright Red Gold Fish, Schuykill River
I thought of a couple more.

Huge grass carp on a Cicada pattern. Yep, they will eat meat when there aren't enough plants.

Caught two snapper blues at once on a single size 14 wet fly. Both the same size, one hooked on the fly, the other holding onto the hooked ones's tail. He didn't fall off until I had him over the bucket. Even then he didn't let go. He just managed to bite off a piece of it's tail. Aggressive little bastages.

I also caught a blue crab on a fly at the same spot. I think it was actually with the same fly.

Bikerfish once caught my dog. He didn't actually hook it, but somehow lassoed it.