what is your strangest catch to date?



New member
Aug 27, 2014
what has been your strangest catch to date? either on the fly or spinning gear. mine was a seagull, he flew into my line. I thought I was getting a nice hit lol. he was freed and unharmed.


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Little brother by the ear lobe. Not sure that counts because it was on the back cast.
Raccoon. Was using the trolling motor to go along the shoreline at night, throwing 6" rapalas for stripers. One cast went a little too far and i heard it hit the bank. Then, I felt the rod getting pulled. I quickly grabbed a big flashlight and shine the shoreline and see that a damn raccoon has my lure in his mouth trying to run down the shore. Luckily, he didn't get any of the hooks caught in his face or paws, and finally let it go out of his mouth. Lure had some nice teeth marks in it.
Good topic!

When I was a kid we did a lot of carp/sucker fishing in areas that were not exactly pristine wilderness. I baited my hook one time with a worm and then laid the rod in the grass for a minute. Then I picked up rod and had a rat. Also caught two Painted Turtles at that same location on worms.

Hooked a small trout recently and had a VERY big trout grab it crosswise in its mouth and would not let go. Was shaking the small trout and I actually reeled it in close enough that I got my net out. He wasn't hooked but held on and fought until the hook came out of the smaller trout.

Was fishing with a guy who caught a bat one evening on Penns.
I've been caught several times and many people think I am strange.
I caught a bat once...was very interesting to say the least.
A snagger in the middle of the salmon river(Whoops)Yea right simms have a lifetime warrenty right hahahahah
those are some nice catches. haha. I been on other forums and also seeing and hearing about every ones strange and unique catches. on of the surf fishing forums I am on, the guys wife hooked a scuba divers flipper.
Puner that had to be one heck of a fight.hahaha
When I lived in Bradley Beach, NJ I probably hooked half a dozen seagulls during bluefish blitzes. I lost part of a shopping cart at the boat while flounder / fluke fishing.
We had a group of about 12 of us Striper fishing on the beach one time, with a campfire going. Back when you could sort of do that thing. A local cop walked up to check us out and I caught him when I went to cast. An hour later I landed a very large ladies bikini bottom.
A few hours later I landed a ladies thong, but she was on the beach with us.
Aside from 2 bats over the many years, this catch sticks in my mind as very strange -- from a post a couple of years ago.

Spent the day at the Yough. Very crowded with rafters, canoers, kayakers, swimmers. But surprisingly few fishermen. I figured they were smart and I was just plain crazy. But I had to escape the heat. Was tired of air conditioning.

I was out on a riffled stretch casting between the armadas of rafters, when I saw it. It was big. So big I wasn't even sure if I should try for it. But I knew I had to give it a shot and also knew that to catch it would require a long very accurate cast across stringers of varying speed riffles. I double-hauled let it go and watch as my #12 iso dry fell and missed the mark by a couple of feet. I quickly stripped in and let another cast fly. This one lit where I wanted, I was rewarded instantly, and set the hook.

The fight was on. It took off downstream. I tightened the drag and was able to guide it off to the side where I had better control. A few minutes later I backed it up on shore and beached it. It measured 36" with beautiful markings -- a blue flower pattern: A brand new boogie board!

Got to admit I was rather proud of myself for the perfect cast... the thing was really moving fast on the water so I had only 2 casts to get it right. The boards owner saw me land it from a hundred yards away, came down to thank me and asked if i caught anything else. "A few rainbows, but nothing quite this big."
PocketWater wrote:
Raccoon. Was using the trolling motor to go along the shoreline at night, throwing 6" rapalas for stripers. One cast went a little too far and i heard it hit the bank. Then, I felt the rod getting pulled. I quickly grabbed a big flashlight and shine the shoreline and see that a damn raccoon has my lure in his mouth trying to run down the shore. Luckily, he didn't get any of the hooks caught in his face or paws, and finally let it go out of his mouth. Lure had some nice teeth marks in it.

Have hooked a couple gulls and bats over the years but this story is definitely strange. :-o

Fun thread.
At the inlet of Point Pleasant I got my bass lure hooked on a mass of fishing line that was tangled up around some underwater debre. I fought with it and broke the line off. Was I willing to give up on a $12.00 lure? No Way! I got my rod that I had 50lb test and put on another lure and after 2.5 hours I was able to drag in the whole 25 lb mess. Got my lure back and did what every NJ fisherman does - I tossed the wad of line back in the water. (just joking!)

A bat on Laurel Hill Creek and a kayaker on a back cast on the Yough.
A bat near the middle of "The Narrows" section on BFC. I quit fishing right after I got the thing off my line. A pumpkinseed sunfish from Spring Creek above Bellefonte.
Sturgeon on the Caney Fork in Tennessee

Had a client hook a Great Dane last year.... True Story. Spooled him too. She just came bounding into the stream. She was fine, BTW :)
JWsmalls wrote:
Sturgeon on the Caney Fork in Tennessee

Now THAT is very cool. Did you catch it on a fly?
A chunk of what I assume to be scalp with some very coarse, curly, black hair stuck to it. Thought I was snagged throwing rattletraps off of the Cleveland shoreline for walleyes at night. Finally pulled free and that is what I reeled in.

Besides that Ive landed some odd things, bats, birds, etc. A buddy of mine reeled in a big purple dildo. That was interesting...
From my old spin fishing days in Oswego NY for salmon, I pull a nice pair of pliers from the river. My hook was in the grip part and I still use them 25 years later.