What is your favorite fishing story?

Several years back I was flyfishing for Salmon in AK with a buddy of mine. He hooked a spunky Pink Salmon that quickly took him down a swift water chute along the bank of the stream. He snugged up his drag a couple of clicks and put the breaks on the fish but was having trouble winching it back up out of the fast water. There was a large moss covered spruce tree laying along the bank of stream alongside of the fast water. I told him to hold the fish there and I would scurry down the fallen tree trunk and dip the fish with our long handled net. So I promptly did just that and brought the big male humpy back up to him where he quickly removed the fly and released the fish. Upon the release we looked back downstream and there was a bear standing on the spruce log at the exact spot where I had just netted his fish! The bear showed no fear of us as it actually started to work it’s way up the log toward us. We immediately turned and slowly worked our way upstream away from the bear and yielded the tailout of the hole to the bear. Surprise close encounters with bears always have a way of cranking that adrenaline up a notch or two. It was a great flyfishing adventure and the memories last forever!
Murdering trout

A normal day fishing Spring Creek. I was at the Benner hatchery. I was working my way back upstream to car. A little upstream of the new parking lot was a dead tree chalk full of ants. - the fish loved them. I would routinely stop by the tree and catch a couple.

On this day while fishing the ant tree, I heard a bit of a splash. About 10 yards away I saw a 14-16inch brown trout with a 8-10 inch RT in its mouth (RT was perpendicular ). The brownie stayed still with RT in its mouth for a good 15 minutes. Eventually, it released the RT. RT floated downstream belly up.

There was no way the brown could have eaten the RT. It was murder. I doubt it was premeditated though.
Murdering trout

A normal day fishing Spring Creek. I was at the Benner hatchery. I was working my way back upstream to car. A little upstream of the new parking lot was a dead tree chalk full of ants. - the fish loved them. I would routinely stop by the tree and catch a couple.

On this day while fishing the ant tree, I heard a bit of a splash. About 10 yards away I saw a 14-16inch brown trout with a 8-10 inch RT in its mouth (RT was perpendicular ). The brownie stayed still with RT in its mouth for a good 15 minutes. Eventually, it released the RT. RT floated downstream belly up.

There was no way the brown could have eaten the RT. It was murder. I doubt it was premeditated though.
As a defense attorney, I would be willing to take the brown’s case.
I've had skinny dippers, come upon 3 attractive female bikini clad mud wrestlers way back up a brookie stream. I've forgot that rain makes streams rise waded across, only to swim back. Another time got stuck on the wrong side by a dam release that caused water to come up suddenly. Got stalked for close to a mile by a possibly rabid raccoon. Watched a hiker couple ruin my spot by deciding to cross the log I was actively catching fish under, only to have my friend notice and enact a little revenge on my behalf by jumping up on said log while she was on it, resulting in her falling in.

But maybe the best was winning my own fishing license at the jam raffle. I fished an area of spring creek earlier, maybe even the day before. Had no idea my license became unpinned and I had lost it. Another board member happened to be nymphing the same run some time later. It wasn't purposeful, it was too deep to see and they didn't know it was there, but bottom bouncing hooked my license, and landed it. Saw my name on it. And decided to make it the grand prize of the raffle that evening, which they knew I'd be attending. Which was the moment I realized I had lost it to begin with.
Naked old man below Beltzville bathing in the freezing cold water of Pohopoco. lol.

2 weeks ago, naked man on Lehigh around Tannery. Didn't expect that as I turned the bend upstream. lol.

Several years ago, fished the Brodhead very early (around 0530). Woman bobbing her head on a man on the rocks. Since then, I've fished that rock many times and now refer to it as BJ rock. They eventually saw me....lol.

Ohhh and the countless bikini hatches! :) Gotta love summer fishing.

I'm sure there are some fish I've caught in between those stories but they aren't as memorable. haha.
Oh yeah, that post jogs my memory. 🤣

A few years back I did a jam in the Catskills. I sent a bunch of the guys up to the esopus Creek to catch rainbows in the fast water. They came back to the motel that evening and shared a story. They had a group of three guys who made it to the top of a riffle and were nymphing up little 8 to 11 in rainbows one after another. They noticed some rustling on the bank across the river. A guy came down with a guitar and sat on a rock. Few minutes later he got undressed and played guitar for them in the nude. I don't remember if they enjoyed it or not 😁.

It may have been the same jam where we had a couple of boats launch early in the morning near The barking dog ramp on the upper West Branch as we came into the first Island some boats went right and some boats went left. The boats that went left could see a few cabins on the river Left Bank. One of the cabins had a gentleman standing there with a woman kneeling in front of him. He put his hands up over his head with the peace symbols. That has been known as the dome home ever since.

We had a group of boats for a fall jam floating on the main stem of the Delaware as we came into the section known as knights, you could hear the music and smell the weed from a half mile away. Did not know that they were having the Catskill chill event. As we got near the turn at the small island, we can see about a dozen hippies skinny dipping. They had no issues with giving us full frontal nudity and yelling woo. I believe it was Dave S
who said stop the boat I'm going over there, looks like they're having more fun.

Last story, I got Dave to come and fish the Susquehanna with me 4th of July weekend several years ago. As we neared the end of the float, we saw about 50 people in crazy costumes with inner tubes and pool rafts. It's all of the people from town come down and do a 1 mi float on the 4th of July weekend. What was surprising was they had 6 ft long fold tables set up every hundred yards. The tables were filled with shots and beer. We weren't part of the group but we part took in the festivities one lady even ran inside and got us a six pack of beer to take in the boat LoL

I didn't even get to the story where Moon thought that a 6-ft 5-in guy with a gray beard was a hot Asian lady in a bikini 🤣🤣
Not fishing, but involves fish hooks.

Virginia beach, with my cousin. Hit the beach and me and him immediately went body surfing, of course. Within minutes I felt a pain in my leg every time I tried to step. I got out of the water, and it was near the nether regions. So my wife (now ex) comes over and looks. Hook, through my shorts, into skin (upper thigh, bout an inch below true disaster), back out of skin, back through shorts. Ok as long as I stand there, but walking pulls on it.

So my cousin and his wife make a towel ring. My wife (now ex) kneels in front of me to see if she can get it out. Must have been a sight! lol. No dice. She goes and asks the lifeguard if they have wire cutters we can borrow. Nope, only allowed to help in a life emergency situation. A stranger walks by, cousins wife tells her what's going on. My cousin says just stand here, there's a hardware store down the road, I'll run and get wire cutters. Ok, I ain't goin nowhere, lol.

So he leaves, then 4 wheelers come flying down the beach, sirens blaring. An ambulance and a fire truck pull up behind the dune and a team of EMT's comes running on the beach. "We heard someone got a huge hook in their foot and is bleeding profusely". Uhhh. Small hook, NOT the foot, and there's a drop of blood I guess, lol. There's like 10 of them, they laid me down on the beach, there's a group of onlookers now gathering. They cut off my shorts right then and there (shrinkage!, I was in the water, I was in the water!!!), snipped the hook, then gave me a towel to wrap around myself. As I walked over the dune in nothing but a towel, my cousin pulls up, hey man, I got the wire cutters, what's all the commotion about?